Version 0 of NOAA Weather Forecast

Updated 2007-01-24 00:55:25 by kpv

Keith Vetter 2007-01-23 : The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a some nice web services providing current weather conditions and forecasts. For details on some of those services, check out [L1 ] and [L2 ].

Here's a little program that gets the weather forecast for a given latitude and longitude. It parses the SOAP reply and displays the result.

 # noaa.tcl -- Displays weather forecast from NOAA
 # by Keith Vetter, Januayr 2007

 package require Tk
 package require http
 package require tdom
 package require Img
 if {! [catch {package require tile}]} {
    namespace import -force ::ttk::button


 set S(url)
 set S(format) 12+hourly
 set S(days) 5

 proc GetNOAA {lat lon} {
    global doc root xml

    set xml [GetForecastXML $lat $lon]

    set n [catch {dom parse $xml doc}]
    if {$n} {
        tk_messageBox -icon error -message "Bad reply from NOAA"
        return 0
    set root [$doc documentElement]
    ReadTimeLayouts $root
    GetIcons $root
    GetTemperatures $root
    GetPrecipitation $root
    GetWeather $root

    unset doc
    return 1
 proc GetForecastXML {lat lon} {
    set startdate [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]
    set url $::S(url)
    append url "?lat=$lat&lon=$lon&format=$::S(format)&startDate=$startdate"
    append url "&numDays=$::S(days)&Submit=Submit"
    set ::URL $url

    set token [::http::geturl $url]
    ::http::wait $token
    set xml [::http::data $token] ; list
    ::http::cleanup $token

    return $xml

 proc ReadTimeLayouts {root} {
    global WEATHER

    unset -nocomplain WEATHER

    set nodes [$root selectNodes /dwml/data/time-layout]
    foreach node $nodes {
        set key [[$node selectNodes layout-key/text()] data]
        set WEATHER($key,summary) [$node getAttribute summarization "???"]

        set starts [$node selectNodes start-valid-time]
        set ends [$node selectNodes end-valid-time]
        set cnt -1
        foreach start $starts end $ends {
            incr cnt

            set name [$start getAttribute period-name "???"]
            set stime [[$start firstChild] data]
            set etime [[$end firstChild] data]

            set WEATHER($key,$cnt,name) $name
            set WEATHER($key,$cnt,start) $stime
            set WEATHER($key,$cnt,end) $etime

 proc GetIcons {root} {
    set node [$root selectNodes /dwml/data/parameters/conditions-icon]
    set key [$node getAttribute time-layout]
    set ::WEATHER(icon,key) $key

    set cnt -1
    foreach icon [$node selectNodes icon-link/text()] {
        incr cnt
        set ::WEATHER($key,$cnt,icon) [$icon data]

 proc GetTemperatures {root} {
    global WEATHER

    array unset WEATHER *temp*
    set nodes [$root selectNodes /dwml/data/parameters/temperature]
    foreach node $nodes {
        set type [$node getAttribute type]
        set units [$node getAttribute units]
        set key [$node getAttribute time-layout]
        set WEATHER(temp,$type,key) $key
        set WEATHER(temp,$type,units) $units

        set cnt -1
        foreach value [$node selectNodes value/text()] {
            incr cnt
            set WEATHER($key,$cnt,temp,$type) [$value data]
 proc GetPrecipitation {root} {
    global WEATHER

    array unset WEATHER *rain*
    set node [$root selectNodes /dwml/data/parameters/probability-of-precipitation]

    set units [$node getAttribute units]
    set key [$node getAttribute time-layout]
    set WEATHER(rain,key) $key
    set WEATHER(rain,units) $units

    set cnt -1
    foreach value [$node selectNodes value/text()] {
        incr cnt
        set WEATHER($key,$cnt,rain) [$value data]
 proc GetWeather {root} {
    global WEATHER

    array unset WEATHER *weather*
    set node [$root selectNodes /dwml/data/parameters/weather]

    set key [$node getAttribute time-layout]
    set WEATHER(weather,key) $key

    set cnt -1
    foreach value [$node selectNodes weather-conditions] {
        incr cnt
        set WEATHER($key,$cnt,weather,summary) [$value getAttribute weather-summary]

 proc DoDisplay {} {
    wm title . "NOAA Weather Forecast"

    bind all <F2> {console show}
    frame .w -bd 2 -relief ridge
    frame .ctrl -bd 2 -relief ridge -pady 5 -padx 30

    pack .w -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .ctrl -side bottom -fill x

    label .ctrl.llat -text "Latitude" -anchor e
    entry .ctrl.elat -textvariable ::S(lat) -width 10 \
        -validate key -vcmd {string is double %P}
    label .ctrl.llon -text "Longitude" -anchor e
    entry .ctrl.elon -textvariable ::S(lon) -width 10 \
        -validate key -vcmd {string is double %P}
    label .ctrl.ldays -text "Days" -anchor e
    spinbox .ctrl.sbox -from 1 -to 7 -textvariable ::S(days) -width 7 \
        -justify c -state readonly
    .ctrl.sbox config -readonlybackground [.ctrl.sbox cget -bg]
    button .submit -text "Submit" -command Submit

    grid .ctrl.llat .ctrl.elat x .submit -pady 2 -sticky ew
    grid .ctrl.llon .ctrl.elon x ^ -pady 2 -sticky ew
    grid .ctrl.ldays .ctrl.sbox x ^ -pady 2 -sticky ew
    grid columnconfigure .ctrl 2 -minsize 30

    eval destroy [winfo child .w]
    label .w.icon -image ::img::noaa
    label .w.title1 -text "NOAA" -font {Times 32 bold}
    label .w.title2 -text "Weather Forecast" -font {Times 28 bold}

    grid .w.icon .w.title1
    grid .w.title2 - -sticky ew -padx 10
    grid config .w.icon -padx {30 0}
    grid columnconfigure .w 1 -weight 1
 image create photo ::img::noaa -data {

 proc DisplayWeather {} {
    global WEATHER

    set W .w
    label $W.tmp
    set font "[$W.tmp cget -font] bold"
    eval destroy [winfo child $W]

    set key $WEATHER(weather,key)
    foreach arr [lsort -dictionary [array names WEATHER $key,*,weather,summary]] {
        set id [lindex [split $arr ","] 1]
        set id2 [expr {$id/2}]

        set WF $W.col$id
        frame $WF -bd 2 -relief ridge
        label $ -text $WEATHER($key,$id,name) -font $font
        label $WF.icon -image [GetIcon $WEATHER($key,$id,icon)] -relief ridge

        set key2 $WEATHER(temp,maximum,key)
        set key3 $WEATHER(temp,minimum,key)
        set txt "$WEATHER($key3,$id2,temp,minimum)\xB0 - $WEATHER($key2,$id2,temp,maximum)\xB0"
        append txt "\n$WEATHER($key,$id,rain)%"
        append txt "\n$WEATHER($key,$id,weather,summary)"
        label $WF.txt -text $txt -wraplength 100

        grid $WF -row 0 -column $id -sticky news
        grid columnconfigure $W $id -uniform a
        eval pack [winfo child $WF] -side top
 proc GetIcon {url} {
    set sname [file rootname [file tail $url]]
    set iname ::img::$sname
    if {[lsearch [image names] $iname] == -1} {
        image create photo $iname -width 55 -height 58
        $iname copy ::img::noaa
        set token [::http::geturl $url -command [list GetIcon_Callback $iname]]

    return $iname
 proc GetIcon_Callback {iname token} {
    set ncode [::http::ncode $token]

    if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
        error "bad http ncode for $iname"
    } else {
        $iname config -data [::http::data $token]
    ::http::cleanup $token
 proc Submit {} {
    set n [GetNOAA $::S(lat) $::S(lon)]
    if {$n} DisplayWeather

 foreach {S(lat) S(lon)} {40.0731923 -82.5146661} break

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