Version 9 of PS

Updated 2002-10-25 10:38:28

Pascal Scheffers

I made a small extension to remote control xmms: xmmstcl

My gazilionth user page. Just go here:

I like TkChat, but I guess I am not the only who would like to see some new entry and exit messages. So today I am experimenting with putting a list of messages on the wiki (I'll probably stuff them in TkChat messages) and grabbing them from TkChat. The users of the web interface will still be bored to tears with the old messages, but I will just have to throw a SEP Field over that one, for now.

The current messages are, and I put them here so I know how the wiki formats them to regexp them out of here:

 [EntryMessages NL]
 %user% is de chat in gekomen!
 Uit een rookwolk komt %user% tevoorschijn!
 %user% slentert naar binnen.
 %user% wandeld naar binnen.
 %user% komt de chat uit controleren.
 %user% wil kletsen!
 [/EntryMessages NL]

 [ExitMessages NL]
 %user% heeft de chat verlaten!
 In een rookwolk verdwijnt %user%!
 %user% gaat weg, aan de linkerkant van het podium!
 %user% heeft geen zin meer om met jou te praten!
 %user% kijkt op de klok en heeft ineens veel haast
 %user% glijd uit over een banaan ...
 [/ExitMessages NL] 

 [EntryMessages EN]
 %user% has entered the chat!
 Out of a cloud of smoke, %user% appears!
 %user% saunters in.
 %user% wanders in.
 %user% checks into the chat.
 %user% is feeling chatty!
 [/EntryMessages EN]

 [ExitMessages EN]
 %user% has left the chat!
 In a cloud of smoke, %user% disappears!
 %user% exits, stage left!
 %user% doesn't want to talk to you anymore!
 %user% looks at the clock and dashes out the door
 %user% macht wie eine Banane ...
 [/ExitMessages EN]

 [EntryMessages DE]
 %user% moechte gerne mit dich reden!
 [/EntryMessages DE]

 [ExitMessages DE]
 %user% macht wie eine Banane ...
 [/ExitMessages DE]

If someone stops by here looking for information on PostScript, you need to go visit that page instead.

You should know that the customary abbreviation for postscript is in lower case: ps not - PS :) However, since the wiki treats titles as case insensitive, the user searching for ps is going to find this page!

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