Version 0 of Package MetaData Fields

Updated 2002-11-27 01:36:14

* Identifier (DC)

 > This element is a string containing the name of the distributed
   package. The name may consist only of alphanumeric characters,
   colons, dashes and underscores.  This name should correspond to the
   name of
   the package defined by this distribution (that is, the code should
   contain ''package provide xyzzy'' where ''xyzzy'' is the value of
   this element.

 > Care must be taken to make this name unique among the package names
   in the archive. To overcome this, namespace style names separated by
   double colons should be used.

 > Examples: xyzzy, tcllib, xml::soap, cassidy::wonderful-package_2

 * Version

 > This element is a string containing the version of the
   package. It consists of 4 components separated by full stops. The
   components are ''major version'', ''minor version'', ''maturity''
   and ''level''; and are written in this order.

 > The major and minor version components are integer numbers greater
   than or equal to zero.

 > The component ''maturity'' is restricted to the values a, b.
   The represent the maturity states ''alpha'', ''beta''
   respectively. For a production release, this component can be omitted.

 > The ''level'' component allows a more fine-grained differentiation
   of maturity levels.  When a package has maturity ''production'' the
   ''level'' component is often called the ''patchlevel'' of the package.
   If the ''level'' component is zero, it may be ommitted.

 > The period each side of the ''maturity'' component may be ommited.

 > Valid version numbers can be decoded via the following regular expression:

   regexp {([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.?([ab])?\.?([0-9]*)} $ver => major minor maturity level

 > Examples: 8.4.0  8.4a1 2.5.b.5

 * Title (DC)

 > This element is a free form string containing a one sentence
   description of the package contained in the distribution.

 > Example: Installer Tools for Tcl Packages

 * Creator (DC)

 > This element is a string containing the name of the person,
   organisation or service responsible for the creation of the
   package optionally followed by the email address of the author in
   angle brackets []. More detail
   about an author can be provided in a seperate object in the RDF
   description and if this is provided the email address should be used
   as the value of the Name field in that object.

 > If there is more than one author this field may appear multiple

 > Email addresses may be obfuscated to avoid spam harvesters.

 > Example: Steve Cassidy <Steve.Cassidy at mq dot edu dot au>

 * Maintainer

 > This element is a string analogous to the Creator element which
   contains the name of the current maintainer of the package.

 * Contributor (DC)

 > This element is a string analogous to the Creator element which
   contains the name of a contributor to the package.

 * Rights (DC)

 > Typically, a Rights element will contain a rights management
   statement for the resource, or reference a service providing such
   information.  This will usually be a reference to the license under
   which the package is distributed. This can be a free form string
   naming the license or a URL refering to a document containing the
   text of the license.

 > If the Rights element is absent, no assumptions can be made
   about the status of these and other rights with respect to
   the resource.
 > Examples: BSD,

 * URL

 > This element is a string containing an url refering to a
   document or site at which the information about the package can be
   found. This url is ''not'' the location of the distribution, as this
   might be part of a larger repository separate from the package site.

 > Example:

 * Available (DC)

 > This element is the release data of the package in the form YYYY-MM-DD.

 > YYYY is a four-digit integer number greater than zero denoting the
   year the distribution was released.

 > MM is a two-digit integer number greater than zero and less than
    1. It is padded with zero at the front if it less than 10. It
   denotes the month the distribution was released. The number 1
   represents January, 2 represents February; and 12 represents December.

 > DD is a two-digit integer number greater than zero and less than 32.
   It is and padded with zero at the front if less than 10. It denotes
   the day in the month the distribution was released.

 > A valid data string can be obtained with the tcl command
   [[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d"]]

 > Example: 2002-01-23

 > (The DC element is Date but it can be refined to Created,
   Available, Applies)

 * Description (DC)

 > This element is a free form string briefly describing the package.

 * Architecture

 > This element is a string describing one of the architectures
  included in the distribution. As a distribution is allowed to
  contain the files for several architectures, this element may
  appear multiple times and should correspond to a directory in the

 * Require

 > Names a package that must be installed for this package to operate
   properly. This should have the same format as the ''package
   require'' command, eg. ''?-exact? package ?version?''.

 > Example: http 2.0

 * Recommend

 > Declares a strong, but not absolute dependancy on another package.
   In most cases this package should be installed unless the user has
   specific reasons not to install them.

 * Suggest

 > Declares a package which would enhance the functionality of this
   package but which is not a requirement for the basic functionality
   of the package.

 * Conflict

 > Names a package with which can't be installed alongside this
   package. The syntax is the same as for Require.  If a conflicting
   package is present on the system, an installer might offer an option
   of removing it or not installing this package.

 * Subject (DC)

 > The topic or content of the package expressed as a set of Keywords.
   At some future time, a set of canonical keywords may be established
   by a repository manager.