Version 1 of Periodic decimal fractions

Updated 2002-04-29 06:59:25

Richard Suchenwirth 2002-04-27 - Periodic decimal fractions are numbers where a sequence of digits behind the decimal point (the period) is endlessly repeated, for example:

 1/7 = 0.142857142857..
 1/3 = 0.3333..

The following routine tries to detect a period in a given number and returns the period (might be 0 for integers or non-strict periods like

 1/2 = 0.5000..

or (implicitly) an empty string if no period could be detected - then the input number might be irrational (not representable by a nominator/divisor expression, e.g. sqrt(2)), or it has a period longer than 7 digits, which can not be confirmed at the maximum tcl_precision of 17, a limit imposed by the underlying double representation in C. For instance, 1/17 is certainly periodic, but the period is out of sight for Tcl's expr math..

 proc period x {
        set frac [expr {abs(double($x)-int($x))}]
        if {!$frac || [string length $frac]<10} {return 0}
        set digits [string range $frac 2 end]
        foreach n {1 2 3 4 5 6 7} {
            foreach offset {0 1 2 3 4 5 6} {
                    set try [string range $digits $offset [expr $offset+$n-1]]
                if {[regexp .{0,$n}$try\($try)+.{0,$n}$ $digits]} {
                        return $try

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