Version 2 of Pils -- concept

Updated 2006-06-29 17:56:13 by AK

Pils is an anagram of Lisp. It is a tiny lisp, hacked in four days or maybe five, and has never been seriously tested. I've made it as Tcl-ish as possible.

Differences to Tcl

  • Tcl has 1 (one) data type: the string, Pils has 2 (two) data types: the atom and the list.
  • The procedure string has the new sub command append.

Differences to Lisp

  • The list is not cons'd but instead a simple Tcl list. (This idea is stolen from NewLisp [L1 ]).
  • No cons, car, cdr, instead lindex etc. No define but instead proc.
  • No symbols as every atom can serve as such by saying (set varName) or using the shortcut $varName. (I told you. As Tcl-ish as possible.)

Differences to the state of should-be

  • foreach not yet implemented
  • many many ... hrmpf ... bux?