Version 4 of Playing Python

Updated 2002-12-12 19:35:18

Richard Suchenwirth - Another little twister from the "Foreign languages series". Python ( ) is another scripting language with the special feature that block structure is not expressed by bracing, but by depth of indentation. We can have that in Tcl too, if we ever feel like it. The following pytcl code (Tcl with slight approximations to Python)

 py {
    proc fib {n}:
        set a 0
        set b 1
        while $b < $n:
           puts -nonewline "$b "
           foreach {a b} [list $b [expr $a+$b]] break

    for i in {foo bar baz}:
       if [regexp f $i]:
          puts -nonewline "!"
       puts $i
    set x 5
    if $x > 1 and $x < 10 or $x == 5 :
       puts Done-[fib 2000]
       puts OK.

gets translated to

    proc fib {n} {
        set a 0
        set b 1
        while {$b < $n} {
           puts -nonewline "$b "
           foreach {a b} [list $b [expr $a+$b]] break

    foreach i {foo bar baz} {
       if {[regexp f $i]} {
          puts -nonewline "!"
       puts $i
    set x 5
    if {$x > 1 && $x < 10 || $x == 5 } {
       puts Done-[fib 2000]
       puts OK.

which is, of course, well-formed Tcl, by the following "preprocessor":

 proc py body {
    set res ""
    set nbraces 0
    set olddent 0
    set dent 0
    foreach line [split $body \n] {
        if {[string trim $line]=="" && $res!=""} {
            append res \n
        if [regexp {^([ \t]+)} $line -> dents] {
            set dent [string length $dents]
            if {$dent>$olddent} {
                append res " \{"
                incr nbraces
            } elseif $dent<$olddent {
                append res "\n$dents\}"
                incr nbraces -1
        if [regexp {(.*if) (.+) *:} $line -> pre cond] {
            regsub -all " and " $cond { \&\& } cond
            regsub -all " or " $cond { || } cond
            set line "$pre {$cond}"
        regsub {:$} $line "" line
        regsub {while ([^\{]+)} $line {while {\1}} line
        regsub {for ([A-Za-z0-9_]+) in } $line {foreach \1 } line
        append res \n$line
        set olddent $dent
    while {$nbraces} {
        append res "$dents\}\n"
        incr nbraces -1
    lindex $res 0

Don't know what it's good for - fun, maybe? One good thing though: braces around the while condition are automatically added (I still sometimes forget those..) Python's for .. in .. gets translated to foreach .. This could actually be done in the Tcl core: the second argument to for is the test, which is evaluated by expr, and expr will under no condition accept "in" as an argument - so that case could be rerouted to foreach (?)

Note also the last if statement - I like and and or better than their C equivalents (maybe worth a TIP? As multi-letter operators are being introduced with eq and ne string comparisons, the door is open to more "words"... )

But the absence of braces goes at the expense of muddying Tcl's simple word-based syntax with line and whitespace rules. Python uses braces only to mark dictionaries (arrays in Tcl), and with special syntax again:

 tel = {'jack': 4098, 'sape': 4139}   ##Python, cf.
 array set tel {jack 4098 sape 4139} ;## Tcl

Wonder how far Pytcl should go? Certainly not as far as emulating Python's way of exiting (one of the first things a novice learns in GvR's tutorial):

 import sys; sys.exit()

or their clumsy way of writing u"Hello\\u0020World", which in Tcl is just Hello\u0020World...

Another Python feature, copied over from C, is that function names in calls always have parens, even if called with no arguments, and the arguments are separated by commas, e.g.

    foo(bar, baz) ## Python, C, ...
    foo $bar $baz ;# Tcl

The former style can also be had in Tcl -- see Playing C

What I want to be able to do in Tcl, that Python does very cleanly, is this:

 class Foo:
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1
        self.b = 1

 a = Foo()
 a.a = Foo()
 a.a.a = Foo()

 print a.a.a.a

Simplistic, but that's the kind of thing tcl just doesn't do terribly well. And I'm not talking about the OO - I'm really just using that class as a struct. The important thing here is that the series of 'a's are references to a data container. They do not have to be explicitly destroyed, either - they will be garbage collected.

See also Lambda in Tcl - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming