Version 1 of Poly1305

Updated 2018-10-30 22:02:02 by nem

Poly1305 is a cryptographic Message Authentication Code (MAC). That is, it takes a secret key and a message and produces a short "tag" that is extremely difficult to forge unless you know the secret key. It therefore can be used to authenticate a message and ensure it hasn't been tampered with. Compared to the more widely known HMAC, Poly1305 is extremely fast. (Or rather, has the potential to be - I make no claims about the speed of the implementation on this page).

The downside is that if an attacker sees two raw Poly1305 tags from the same key but for different messages, then they can recover the key using straightforward arithmetic. For this reason, modes that use Poly1305 either encrypt the tag with a separate key or derive a fresh Poly1305 key for each message. It is most often used in combination with the ChaCha20 stream cipher (e.g., in TLS), where the combined authenticated encryption scheme is known as ChaCha20-Poly1305, or "ChaPoly" for short.

The name derives from it being a polynomial evaluation MAC (i.e., it treats the message as a large polynomial with secret coefficients), based on the prime number 2^130-5.

The following code is based on the well-known poly1305-donna implementation that is used in many cryptographic libraries. It tries to ensure that no numeric variable is ever promoted out of the range of a 64-bit wide, to reduce the risk of timing side-channels due to dynamic memory allocation in the bignum code. Integers are represented as 5 26-bit limbs (giving 130 bits in total), and all operations are performed with 32-to-64 bit arithmetic. The extra bits are used to delay carry propagation for efficiency. This code should be constant time (i.e., the time should not be variable according to any secret inputs), but it hasn't had a lot of testing for that yet.

# poly1305.tcl --
#       Implementation of the Poly1305 authenticator. 
# Copyright (c) 2018 Neil Madden.
# License: Tcl-style

package require Tcl         8.6
package provide poly1305    1.0.0

# poly1305 compute key message
# poly1305 verify key message tag
#       Computes or verifies a Poly-1305 message authentication code (MAC).
#       Poly1305 is a fast, cryptographically secure polynomial MAC. It is
#       information theoretically secure, although only if the key is only used
#       to authenticate a single message. The key can be recovered if more than
#       one message tag is computed with the same key. Therefore either a per-message
#       fresh key should be computed, or else the tag should be encrypted under
#       a separate key.
namespace eval ::poly1305 {
    namespace export compute verify
    namespace ensemble create

    #proc debug {msg args} { puts [format $msg {*}$args] }
    proc debug args {}
    proc clamp r {
        list [expr {[lindex $r 0] & 0x3ffffff}] \
             [expr {[lindex $r 1] & 0x3ffff03}] \
             [expr {[lindex $r 2] & 0x3ffc0ff}] \
             [expr {[lindex $r 3] & 0x3f03fff}] \
             [expr {[lindex $r 4] & 0x00fffff}]
    proc verify {key data tag} {
        set expected [compute $key $data]
        equals $expected $tag
    # constant time equality check
    proc equals {a b} {
        if {[string length $a] != [string length $b]} {
            return 0
        set ret 0
        binary scan $a c* as
        binary scan $b c* bs
        foreach x $as y $bs {
            set ret [expr {$ret | ($x ^ $y)}]
        expr {$ret == 0}

    # Loads a 130-bit little-endian number and represents it as 5 26-bit limbs.
    # This internal format allows to delay carry propagation, resulting in a fast
    # and constant-time representation.
    proc load_130_le_26 bin {
        # Scan as 5 32-bit little-endian integers, rewinding (X) by one byte between each.
        # We then mask each down to a 26-bit integer.
        if {[binary scan $bin iuXiuXiuXiuXiu x0 x1 x2 x3 x4] != 5} {
            error "unable to parse data: [binary encode hex $bin]"
        set x0 [expr {$x0           & 0x03ffffff}]
        set x1 [expr {($x1 >> 2)    & 0x03ffffff}]
        set x2 [expr {($x2 >> 4)    & 0x03ffffff}]
        set x3 [expr {($x3 >> 6)    & 0x03ffffff}]
        set x4 [expr {($x4 >> 8)    & 0x03ffffff}]

        list $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4

    proc carry limb { 
        list [expr {$limb & 0x03FFFFFF}] [expr {$limb >> 26}] 

    namespace eval tcl { namespace eval mathfunc {} }
    proc tcl::mathfunc::mul64 {x y} {
        expr {wide(wide($x) * wide($y))}

    proc compute {key data} {
        variable INT32
        if {[string length $key] != 32} {
            error "key must be exactly 32 bytes"
        set r [clamp [load_130_le_26 $key]]
        lassign $r r0 r1 r2 r3 r4

        binary scan $key iu4iu4 -> s

        set s1 [expr {$r1 * 5}]
        set s2 [expr {$r2 * 5}]
        set s3 [expr {$r3 * 5}]
        set s4 [expr {$r4 * 5}]

        lassign {0 0 0 0 0} a0 a1 a2 a3 a4

        set len [string length $data]
        for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i 16} {
            set end [expr {min($i + 15, $len-1)}]

            set bytes [string range $data $i $end]\x01[string repeat \x00 [expr {15 - ($end - $i)}]]

            debug "block = %s" [binary encode hex [string reverse $bytes]]

            binary scan [string index $bytes 16] c c
            lassign [load_130_le_26 $bytes] n0 n1 n2 n3 n4

            incr a0 $n0
            incr a1 $n1
            incr a2 $n2
            incr a3 $n3
            incr a4 [expr {$n4 | ($c << 24)}]

            debug "a = %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x" $a0 $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4

            set d0 [expr {mul64($a0,$r0) + mul64($a1,$s4) + mul64($a2,$s3) + mul64($a3,$s2) + mul64($a4,$s1)}]
            set d1 [expr {mul64($a0,$r1) + mul64($a1,$r0) + mul64($a2,$s4) + mul64($a3,$s3) + mul64($a4,$s2)}]
            set d2 [expr {mul64($a0,$r2) + mul64($a1,$r1) + mul64($a2,$r0) + mul64($a3,$s4) + mul64($a4,$s3)}]
            set d3 [expr {mul64($a0,$r3) + mul64($a1,$r2) + mul64($a2,$r1) + mul64($a3,$r0) + mul64($a4,$s4)}]
            set d4 [expr {mul64($a0,$r4) + mul64($a1,$r3) + mul64($a2,$r2) + mul64($a3,$r1) + mul64($a4,$r0)}]

            debug "d = %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x" $d0 $d1 $d2 $d3 $d4

            # Reduce mod 2^130-5 (partially)
            lassign [carry $d0] a0 c
            incr d1 $c
            lassign [carry $d1] a1 c
            incr d2 $c
            lassign [carry $d2] a2 c
            incr d3 $c
            lassign [carry $d3] a3 c
            incr d4 $c
            lassign [carry $d4] a4 c
            incr a0 [expr {$c * 5}]
            lassign [carry $a0] a0 c
            incr a1 $c

            debug "a = %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x" $a0 $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4

        # Final reduction mod 2^130-5
        lassign [carry $a1] a1 c
        incr a2 $c
        lassign [carry $a2] a2 c
        incr a3 $c
        lassign [carry $a3] a3 c
        incr a4 $c
        lassign [carry $a4] a4 c
        incr a0 [expr {$c * 5}]
        lassign [carry $a0] a0 c
        incr a1 $c

        debug "a = %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x" $a0 $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4

        # a-p
        set g0 [expr {$a0 + 5}]
        lassign [carry $g0] g0 c
        set g1 [expr {$a1 + $c}]
        lassign [carry $g1] g1 c
        set g2 [expr {$a2 + $c}]
        lassign [carry $g2] g2 c
        set g3 [expr {$a3 + $c}]
        lassign [carry $g3] g3 c
        set g4 [expr {$a4 + $c - (1 << 26)}]

        debug "g = %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x" $g0 $g1 $g2 $g3 $g4

        # Use bit-slicing to select a if a < p or a - p if a >= p
        set mask [expr {$g4 >> 63}]
        set a0 [expr {$a0 & $mask}]
        set a1 [expr {$a1 & $mask}]
        set a2 [expr {$a2 & $mask}]
        set a3 [expr {$a3 & $mask}]
        set a4 [expr {$a4 & $mask}]

        # a = a mod 2^128
        set a0 [expr {($a0         | ($a1 << 26)) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set a1 [expr {(($a1 >> 6)  | ($a2 << 20)) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set a2 [expr {(($a2 >> 12) | ($a3 << 14)) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set a3 [expr {(($a3 >> 18) | ($a4 << 8 )) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]

        # mac = (a + s) mod 2^128
        set c [expr {$a0 + [lindex $s 0]}]
        set a0 [expr {$c & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set c [expr {$a1 + [lindex $s 1] + ($c >> 32)}]
        set a1 [expr {$c & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set c [expr {$a2 + [lindex $s 2] + ($c >> 32)}]
        set a2 [expr {$c & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
        set c [expr {$a3 + [lindex $s 3] + ($c >> 32)}]
        set a3 [expr {$c & 0xFFFFFFFF}]

        binary format iiii $a0 $a1 $a2 $a3

##### TESTS #####

if {![info exists argv0] || [file tail [info script]] ne [file tail $argv0]} {
    # Not running as main script so return to avoid running tests below

proc fromHex hex {
    regsub -all {\s+} $hex {} hex
    regsub -all {:} $hex {} hex
    regsub -all {..} $hex {\x\0} hex
    subst $hex

proc assertEqual {a b {msg ""}} {
    if {$a ne $b} {
        puts "FAIL - assertion failed: expecting '[binary encode hex $a]' to equal '[binary encode hex $b]' $msg"
    } else {
        puts "PASS - $msg"

set key [fromHex {85:d6:be:78:57:55:6d:33:7f:44:52:fe:42:d5:06:a8:01:0
set msg "Cryptographic Forum Research Group"

set tag [fromHex {a8:06:1d:c1:30:51:36:c6:c2:2b:8b:af:0c:01:27:a9}]

assertEqual [poly1305 compute $key $msg] $tag "poly1305 compute"
assertEqual 1 [poly1305 verify $key $msg $tag] "poly1305 verify"
assertEqual 0 [poly1305 verify $key $msg [string range $tag 1 end]] "poly1305 verify - wrong length"
assertEqual 0 [poly1305 verify $key $msg [string reverse $tag]] "poly1305 verify - wrong tag"

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