Version 5 of Pragmatic use of Pernicious Popups

Updated 2002-07-13 18:52:27

This page was started on Saturday, July 13, 2002.

Rohan Pall writes about his short but lively experience with tk_popup:

I've noticed some differences with tk_popup on windows and on unix, specifically on Windows98 and on Linux. I use $::tcl_platform(platform) to test what platform I'm on, i.e. "windows" or "unix".


  • The <Unmap> binding isn't fired when the popup dissapears, which includes when the user doesn't select one of the menu items.
  • All processing of the script stops as soon as the popup is displayed. The script continues where it left off after the popup is hidden.

I'm assuming this happens because the native windows menu widget is being called, and not a Tk toplevel. All I know for sure is that I have observed this widget phenomena.


  • Here the <Unmap> binding does get fired when the popup dissapears.
  • Processing of the script continues after the popup is shown. The rest of the script doesn't wait for the popup to dissapear.