I am in the process of developing a TCL/TK application and am looking to put the majority of the procs into a Sqlite3 database and have the "unknown" proc source them from there. The idea is that once the application has loaded the proc from the database via the "unknown" proc then any further call for the proc will be from the instance that is loaded into the namespace.

The schema for the table in the Sqlite3 database is:

proc_ref integer
The unique proc identifier
        not null
        primary key
proc_called text
The date time stamp of the last instance that this proc was loaded into namespace
by the "unknown" proc.  It enables identification of redundant procs
        default null,
proc_name text
The name of the proc being loaded into the namespace
It is deliberately not unique as it can then have versioning where the latest version is selected using
SELECT proc_name, proc_argument, proc_script from proc where proc_name = '$proc_name' order by proc_ref desc limit 1
        not null
        default '',
proc_argument blob
The arguments for the proc
        not null
        default '',
proc_script blob
The proc script
        not null
        default ''

In the initialisation phase of the application I have the following code:

# We need to change the 'unknown' command to look in the proc table first
# Save the original one so we can chain to it
rename unknown _unknown

# Provide our own implementation
# $cfg(dirdb) is pre-initialised
sqlite3 procdb $cfg(dirdb)/proc.db
proc unknown args {
puts $args
    set sql "select * from proc where proc_name = '[lindex $args 0]' order by proc_ref desc limit 1"
    if {[procdb exists $sql]} {
        procdb eval $sql {
            proc $proc_name $proc_argument $proc_script
            set _proc_ref $proc_ref
        set sql "update proc set proc_called = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%f') where proc_ref = $_proc_ref"
        procdb eval $sql
        eval {*}$args
    } else {
        uplevel 1 [list _unknown {*}$args]

Typical of the procs that I am trying to get to load are these, where the first calls the second and that then calls the third:

proc keyboard {receiver tgtframe nospace} {
global debug init licence opt cfg data;
    foreach kbdrow {0 1 2 3 4} {
        if {$kbdrow == 4 && $nospace != ""} {
        set kbdframe {}
        append kbdframe $tgtframe ".kbd" $opt(keyboard) $kbdrow
        set kbdkey [expr \$cfg(kbd$opt(keyboard)$kbdrow)]
        pack [_keyboard $kbdframe $kbdrow -keys $kbdkey -receiver $receiver]

proc _keyboard {w row args} {
global debug init licence opt cfg data;
    frame $w
    array set opts $args ;# no errors checked
    set klist {};
    set n 0
    foreach i [__keyboard $opts(-keys)] {
        set c [format %c $i]
        set cmd "$opts(-receiver) insert insert [list $c]"
        if {$row == 4} {
            set padx 200
            set c "Space"
        } else {
            set padx 20
        button $w.k$i -text $c -command $cmd  -padx $padx -pady 10 -bg $cfg(basebg$opt(theme)) -fg $cfg(basefg$opt(theme)) -font $cfg(kbdfont)
        lappend klist $w.k$i
    if [llength $klist] {eval grid $klist -sticky news}
    set w ;# return widget pathname, as the others do

proc __keyboard {clist} {
global debug init licence opt cfg data;
    set res {}
    foreach i $clist {
        lappend res [expr $i]
    set res

These procs work fine as standalone when loaded using the original "source" proc, and when loaded by the modified "unknown" proc into the namespace and run they work fine, but once loaded into namespace and then run subsequently then anything that looks like a string such as "49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 48" even if it is a list surrounded by "{""}" gets an extra "{" and "}" and this causes great grief.

The problem looks to be in the way that the genuine "unknown" handled lists but I am at a loss to know where to search further.

Please ask if I have not been clear in my explanation.
