Version 3 of Ring Master

Updated 2006-02-12 00:12:21

Keith Vetter 2006-02-11 : Here's a very tough puzzle where you have to rotate numbers on three interlocking rings to get the numbers back in order.

I haven't solved a non-trivial puzzle yet. I wrote a brute-force solver but it blew out of available memory at a depth of about 8. Using better data structures and retrograde analysis I could probably get that up to about 15. But seeing how there are on the order of 12! different positions, the brute force solution is not very effective.

 # Rings.tcl -- rotate numbers on three rings until back in order
 # by Keith Vetter -- February, 2006

 package require Tk

 array set S {title "Ring Master" sz 75 steps 30 state "play"}
 set S(sz) 75
 array set COLORS {r0 yellow r1 green r2 cyan}
 array set ROT {r0,l {3 7 8 5 2 1}   r0,r {1 2 5 8 7 3}
                r1,l {6 10 11 8 4 3} r1,r {3 4 8 11 10 6}
                r2,l {7 11 12 9 5 4} r2,r {4 5 9 12 11 7}}

 proc DoDisplay {} {
    wm title . $::S(title)

    canvas .c -bg black -highlightthickness 0   ;# Size set by minsize
    pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1
    bind .c <Configure> {ReCenter %W %h %w}     ;# Force 0,0 to be in center

    bind all <Key-Up>          [list DoRotate r0 r]
    bind all <Shift-Key-Up>    [list DoRotate r0 l]
    bind all <Key-Left>        [list DoRotate r1 r]
    bind all <Shift-Key-Left>  [list DoRotate r1 l]
    bind all <Key-Right>       [list DoRotate r2 r]
    bind all <Shift-Key-Right> [list DoRotate r2 l]
    bind all <Key-F2>          {console show}
    focus .c

    foreach {l t r b} [.c bbox all] break
    wm minsize . [expr {$r - $l + 50}] [expr {$b - $t + 50}]

    set txt "Up - top ring\n"
    append txt "Left - left ring\n"
    append txt "Right - right ring\n"
    append txt "Shift reverses"
    .c create text 0 0 -tag help -fill white -font {Tahoma 8 bold} \
        -text $txt -anchor ne
 proc NewGame {{shuffle 1}} {
    if {$shuffle} ShuffleBoard
    set ::S(state) play
 proc DoMenus {} {
    menu .m -tearoff 0
    . configure -menu .m                         ;# Attach menu to main window

    .m add cascade -menu -label "Game" -underline 0
    .m add cascade -menu -label "Help" -underline 0

    menu -tearoff 0 add command -label "New Game" -under 0 -command NewGame -acc "F2" add separator add command -label "Reset"    -under 0 -command {NewGame 0} add command -label "Shuffle"  -under 0 -command {ShuffleBoard 20 1} add separator add command -label "Exit"     -under 1 -command exit

    menu -tearoff 0 add command -label "About"    -under 0 -command About
 proc About {} {
    set txt "$::S(title)\nby Keith Vetter, February 2006\n\n"
    append txt "Rotate the rings to rearrange the\n"
    append txt "numbers so that are ordered correctly.\n\n"
    append txt "Use the up, left and right arrow keys to\n"
    append txt "rotate the rings clockwise; hold the shift\n"
    append txt "key down while pressing an arrow key to\n"
    append txt "rotate counter-clockwise.\n\n"
    append txt "Alternatively, clicking with the right or left\n"
    append txt "mouse button on an unambiguous disk will\n"
    append txt "also rotate the ring."
    tk_messageBox -message $txt -title About
 # Recenter -- keeps 0,0 at the center of the canvas during resizing
 proc ReCenter {W h w} {                   ;# Called by configure event
    set h2 [expr {$h / 2}]
    set w2 [expr {$w / 2}]
    $W config -scrollregion [list -$w2 -$h2 $w2 $h2]
    .c coords help [expr {$w2 - 10}] [expr {-($h2 - 10)}]

 proc MakeBoard {} {
    for {set i 1} {$i <= 12} {incr i} {
        set ::B($i) $i
        set ::IMG($i) "::img::[expr {int(rand() * 3)}]"
 proc ShuffleBoard {{n 50} {animate 0}} {
    set lwhich -1
    set ldir -1
    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
        while {1} {
            set which "r[expr {int(rand()*3)}]"
            set dir [expr {rand() < .5 ? "r" : "l"}]
            if {$lwhich != $which || $ldir == $dir} break
        set lwhich $which
        set ldir $dir
        if {$animate} {
            DoRotate $which $dir
        } else {
            RotateRing ::B $which $dir

 proc DrawDisk {who where} {
    .c delete d$who
    set x $::P($where,x)
    set y $::P($where,y)

    .c create image $x $y -tag d$who -image $::IMG($who)
    .c create text $x [expr {$y-1}] -tag d$who -text $who -font {Times 18 bold} -fill white
    .c create text $x [expr {$y-2}] -tag d$who -text $who -font {Times 18 bold}
    .c bind d$who <1> [list Click $who l]
    .c bind d$who <3> [list Click $who r]
 proc DrawRings {} {
    foreach which {r0 r1 r2} {
        set center [expr {$which eq "r0" ? 4 : $which eq "r1" ? 7 : 8}]
        .c delete r$which

        set steps 5
        set colors [GradientColors [.c cget -bg] $::COLORS($which) $steps]
        set xy [Expand $::P($center,x) $::P($center,y) $::S(sz)]

        for {set i 1} {$i < $steps} {incr i} {
            set color [lindex $colors $i]
            set w [expr {2*($steps-$i) - 1}]
            .c create oval $xy -tag r$which -outline $color -width $w
        .c lower r$which
 proc Victory {} {
    if {$::S(state) ne "play"} return
    set ::S(state) solved
 proc Flash {{cnt 3} {delay 200}} {
    for {set i 0} {$i < $cnt} {incr i} {
        .c config -bg red
        after $delay
        .c config -bg black
        after $delay
 proc Expand {x y d} {
    return [list [expr {$x-$d}] [expr {$y-$d}] [expr {$x+$d}] [expr {$y+$d}]]
 proc Dist {a b} {
    global P

    set dx [expr {$P($a,x)-$P($b,x)}]
    set dy [expr {$P($a,y)-$P($b,y)}]
    return [expr {hypot($dx,$dy)}]

 proc Init {} {
    global P S

    set S(B) [expr {$S(sz)/2.0}]
    set S(A) [expr {$S(B) / sqrt(3)}]
    set S(C) [expr {2*$S(A)}]

    # Figure out position of each node based on S(sz)
    set P(4,x) 0             ; set P(4,y) -$S(C)
    set P(8,x) $S(B)         ; set P(8,y) $S(A)
    set P(7,x) -$S(B)        ; set P(7,y) $S(A)

    set P(2,x) $S(B)         ; set P(2,y) [expr {$P(4,y) - $S(A) - $S(C)}]
    set P(1,x) -$S(B)        ; set P(1,y) $P(2,y)
    set P(5,x) $S(sz)        ; set P(5,y) $P(4,y)
    set P(3,x) -$P(5,x)      ; set P(3,y) $P(4,y)
    set P(9,x) [expr {$P(8,x) + $S(sz)}] ; set P(9,y) $P(8,y)
    set P(6,x) -$P(9,x)      ; set P(6,y) $P(8,y)

    set P(11,x) 0            ; set P(11,y) [expr {$P(7,y) + $S(A) + $S(C)}]
    set P(10,x) $P(3,x)      ; set P(10,y) $P(11,y)
    set P(12,x) $P(5,x)      ; set P(12,y) $P(11,y)

 proc GradientColors {c1 c2 n} {
    foreach {r1 g1 b1} [winfo rgb . $c1] break
    foreach {r2 g2 b2} [winfo rgb . $c2] break

    foreach el {r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2} {            ;# Normalize to 0-255 range
        set $el [expr {[set $el] * 255 / 65535}].0

    set r_step 0.0 ; set g_step 0.0 ; set b_step 0.0
    if {$n > 1} {
        set r_step [expr {($r2-$r1) / ($n-1)}]
        set g_step [expr {($g2-$g1) / ($n-1)}]
        set b_step [expr {($b2-$b1) / ($n-1)}]

    set steps {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
        set r [expr {int($r_step * $i + $r1)}]
        set g [expr {int($g_step * $i + $g1)}]
        set b [expr {int($b_step * $i + $b1)}]
        lappend steps [format "#%.2X%.2X%.2X" $r $g $b]

    return $steps
 proc DrawBoard {} {
    global B

    for {set i 1} {$i <= 12} {incr i} {
        DrawDisk $B($i) $i
 proc RotateRing {brd which dir} {
    upvar $brd BB

    set rot $::ROT($which,$dir)
    set last $BB([lindex $rot end])
    foreach pos $rot {
        set this $BB($pos)
        set BB($pos) $last
        set last $this

 proc DoRotate {which dir} {
    array set d {r0 {5 8 7 3 1 2} r1 {8 11 10 6 3 4} r2 {9 12 11 7 4 5}}
    array set c {r0 4 r1 7 r2 8}

    if {$::S(state) == "anim"} return
    AnimateRotate $c($which) $d($which) $dir
    RotateRing ::B $which $dir

    if {$::S(state) != "play"} return
    for {set i 1} {$i <= 12} {incr i} {         ;# Is it solved???
        if {$::B($i) != $i} return
 proc Click {who dir} {
    global B

    if {$B(1) == $who || $B(2) == $who} {
        DoRotate r0 $dir
    } elseif {$B(6) == $who || $B(10) == $who} {
        DoRotate r1 $dir
    } elseif {$B(9) == $who || $B(12) == $who} {
        DoRotate r2 $dir
 proc AnimateRotate {center whom dir} {
    global S P B

    set tmp $S(state)
    set S(state) "anim"
    set dir [expr {$dir eq "r" ? 1 : -1}]

    unset -nocomplain pos
    for {set i 0} {$i <= $S(steps)} {incr i} {
        set da [expr {$i * 60 / $S(steps)}]
        for {set idx 0} {$idx < 6} {incr idx} {
            set a [expr {($idx*60 + $dir*$da) * acos(-1) /180}]
            set x [expr {$P($center,x) + $S(sz)*cos($a)}]
            set y [expr {$P($center,y) + $S(sz)*sin($a)}]
            if {$i > 0} {
                set dx [expr {$x - $pos($idx,x)}]
                set dy [expr {$y - $pos($idx,y)}]
                set who $B([lindex $whom $idx])
                .c move d$who $dx $dy
            set pos($idx,x) $x
            set pos($idx,y) $y
        after 10
    set S(state) $tmp
 image create photo ::img::0 -data {
 image create photo ::img::1 -data {
 image create photo ::img::2 -data {

HJG I don't understand what the different colors of the discs are for, just decoration? KPV Yes

Category Application | Category Games