Version 5 of Rotating gears resulting in linear way of crankpin

Updated 2018-08-26 06:10:08 by wdb

wdb On Youtube, I found a CAD animation of a rotating gear wheel which results in linear way of crankpin. I saw it but I couldnʼt believe, so I wrote a little program to test it (instead of calculate the rotating positions). Inner gear has half size and half of teeth compared with outer gear so both. Watch the way of crankshift when gear rotates!





package require Tk
pack [canvas .c -bg white -width 300 -height 300]\
 -expand yes -fill both

namespace import ::tcl::mathop::* ::tcl::mathfunc::*

variable pi [acos -1]

proc drawGeometry {} {
  .c create line 10 150 290 150\
    -fill green -width 5 -tags geometry

proc gearwheelCoords {x y r num {alpha 0}} {
  variable pi
  set 2pi [* 2 $pi]
  set toothLength 12
  set rI [- $r $toothLength]
  set rO [+ $r $toothLength]
  set phi [/ $2pi $num]
  for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
    if {$i % 2 != 0} then {
      set rC $rI
    } else {
      set rC $rO
    lappend coords\
      [+ $x [* $rC [cos [+ $alpha [* $i $phi]]]]]\
      [+ $y [* $rC [sin [+ $alpha [* $i $phi]]]]]
  set coords

set outerGearCoords [gearwheelCoords 150 150 104 52]
set innerGearCoords [gearwheelCoords 200 150 52 26]

.c delete all
.c create oval 20 20 280 280 -fill silver -tags outer -width 0
.c create polygon $outerGearCoords\
  -fill white -width 0 -smooth yes -tags outer
.c create polygon $innerGearCoords\
  -fill grey90 -width 0 -smooth yes -tags inner
.c create oval 240 140 260 160 -fill "" -outline red -width 3\
  -tags crankpin

proc setInnerGear alpha {
  set radius 50
  lassign {150 150 50} sunX sunY orbit
  set xC [+ $sunX [* $orbit [cos $alpha]]]
  set yC [+ $sunY [* $orbit [sin $alpha]]]
  .c coords inner\
    [gearwheelCoords $xC $yC 50 26 [* $alpha -1]]
  set dx [* [cos [- $alpha]] $radius]
  set dy [* [sin [- $alpha]] $radius]
  set x [+ $xC $dx]
  set y [+ $yC $dy]
  .c coords crankpin [- $x 10] [- $y 10] [+ $x 10] [+ $y 10]

variable alpha 0

proc step {} {
  variable alpha
  set alpha [+ $alpha 0.01]
  setInnerGear $alpha
  after 50 step

# main
