Version 1 of SDX under Windows

Updated 2002-12-20 10:10:28

December 20, 2002

If you use Windows \ notation for a filename, SDX fails.

If you try to add registered methods to the .KIT filetype (wrap, unwrap etc) then when you right-click on the filename and choose the method, SDX fails. This appears to be fixed for the *first* filename but not for the second. That is, tclkitsh can find sdx.kit, but tclkitsh with SDX can't find your file. It creates an empty correctly-named .vfs folder and aborts.

When I massaged the filename the problem went away:

file unwrap.tcl

 set aa [lindex $argv 0]
 set aa [string map {\\ /} $aa]
 exec tclkitsh.exe sdx.kit unwrap $aa

I registered this as "<path>tclkitsh <path>unwrap.tcl %1" and it worked for me on Windows XP and Windows 98.

It might be possible to fix this inside SDX assuming that you'll never need a unix backslash character in a filename. I'm not sure that's a good idea.

Jonah Thomas