Version 0 of SPITE

Updated 2006-10-17 20:11:40

SPITE - Simple Packager And Installer for Tcl Extensions

Directions to find it at Stu


 SPITE is a utility to package Tcl scripts and other
 text files for easy distribution and installation.
 SPITE is designed mainly for unix systems.
 SPITE takes a list of files and puts them
 and the installer code in to a shell script.
 This shell script may then be used to install the extension.
 The idea behind SPITE is to provide a simple way to distribute
 mostly non-binary Tcl extensions consisting of a handful of text files.
 Textual input files must terminate with a newline or SPITE will break.
 When installing files of type 'tclscript', the installer will pass
 the file through sed with one or both of the following regexps:
 "1,5s/exec .*tclsh[^ ]*/exec ${TCLSH}/g"
 "1,5s/exec .*wish[^ ]*/exec ${WISH}/g"
 This requires sed and mktemp on the target system.
 Checksumming may me disabled during install with --sum ""

   spite [-f configfile]

 Will write to stdout a .spite installer file based
 on the configuration in configfile.

   For directories, ownership is changed only for the last dir in a path.