Version 5 of SVG

Updated 2002-11-06 13:45:49

Scalable vector graphics: "very cool stuff".

The "native" language for scripting SVG--that is, for animating an SVG document by run-time modification of its node tree with SVGDOM--is JavaScript. Steve Ball has been thinking about the desirability of binding Tcl to SVGDOM (perhaps by way of Batik [L1 ] and Jacl?).

RS: Many of SVG's items have a very close correspondence to canvas items, so one might consider using SVG for "serializing" a canvas content to XML, and loading canvas contents from XML... Consider this snippet:

  <polygon fill="yellow" stroke="none"
    points="350 75, 379 161, 469 161, 397 215,
            423 301, 350 250, 277 301, 303 215,
            231 161, 321 161"
    transform="scale(.5)" />

With some string manipulation (and determining the center from the bounding box, for scaling) this could easily be transformed into two canvas commands.

DKF: SVG is really very close indeed to the Java2D API, and even more especially to the base model used in PostScript and Acrobat (PDF). Not surprising really, given that they all came out of Adobe...