Version 0 of SchrodingerTcl

Updated 2017-12-07 21:14:44 by Setok

Add chaos to Tcl. Probably one of the most profound changes to the language ever. Currently set is untouched but hopefully that too can be chaosified.

## Brings some quantum-like chaos to any Tcl program
## Author: Kristoffer Lawson, [email protected]
## Idea from Tiago Roberti Sampaio

set ChaosFactor 0.5

set SchrodingerBody {
    ::chaos::if {rand() < $::ChaosFactor} {

proc chaosify {cmd} {
    rename $cmd ::chaos::$cmd
    proc $cmd {args} "
         ::chaos::uplevel \[::chaos::list ::chaos::$cmd \{*\}\$args\]

foreach cmd [info commands] {
    if {$cmd ne "if" && $cmd ne "proc" && $cmd ne "rename" &&
        $cmd ne "global" && $cmd ne "chaosify" && $cmd ne "set"} {
        chaosify $cmd

rename if ::chaos::if
proc if {args} "
     ::chaos::if \{*}\$args

rename global ::chaos::global
proc global {args} "
     ::chaos::global \{*}\$args

rename rename ::chaos::rename
proc rename {args} "
     ::chaos::rename \{*}\$args

::chaos::rename proc ::chaos::proc
::chaos::proc proc {name arguments body} {
    set body $::SchrodingerBody$body
    ::chaos::proc $name $arguments $body

#chaosify puts

set animal cat
puts $animal
puts $animal

for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
    puts "The Internet is for $animal videos"

proc test {} {
    puts horse
