Version 2 of Scientific Computing

Updated 2016-09-07 20:33:30 by RKzn

Scientific computing is one of the areas where Tcl has had a good deal of uptake.

See Also

numerical analysis in Tcl
Cameron Laird's personal notes on open source for science
pen source in the biosciences , Cameron Laird, 2002-11-01

Seismic Unix (SU) is a free seismic reflection and signal processing package available from the Center for Wave Phenomena, Colorado School of Mines, having a command-line-driven interface. TKSU is a graphical user interface to SU, providing the ability to interactively build a processing flow out of SU modules, set values for module parameters from menus, and create a shell script to execute the processing flow. Although developed specifically for the SU package, TKSU is an independent application that can manage any set of programs that follows the command-line convention of the SU package (the "parfile" convention).