Version 2 of ScrolledWindow

Updated 2003-09-25 12:01:59

Purpose: is the documentation for BWidget's ScrolledWindow. Hopefully people will provide examples of using this widget.

Some examples of using BWidget's ScrolledWindow. First, make a frame scrollable:

 package require BWidget

 # Make a frame scrollable

 set sw [ScrolledWindow .sw]
 pack $sw -fill both -expand true

 set sf [ScrollableFrame $sw.sf]

 $sw setwidget $sf

 set uf [$sf getframe]

 # Now fill the frame, resize the window to see the scrollbars in action

 for { set i 0 } { $i < 20 } { incr i } { 
     for { set j 0 } { $j < 20 } { incr j } { 
          set nm [format "%s.b_%s_%s" $uf $i $j]
          set b [button $nm -text "$i,$j"]
         grid $b -row $i -column $j

A text widget can be make scrollable like this:

 package require BWidget

 # Make a text-widget scrollable

 set sw [ScrolledWindow .sw]
 pack $sw -fill both -expand true

 set txt [text $sw.txt -wrap none]

 $sw setwidget $txt

 # Insert some text, resize the window to see the scrollbars in action

 $txt insert end {README:  Tcl
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 RCS: @(#) $Id: 9924,v 1.3 2003-09-26 08:00:38 jcw Exp $

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Listboxes (standard Tk of BWidget) can be make scrollable like this:

 package require BWidget

 # Make a tk-listbox scrollable

 set swtk [ScrolledWindow .swtk]
 pack $swtk -fill both -expand true

 set lbtk [listbox $swtk.lbtk]

 $swtk setwidget $lbtk

 # Make a BWidget-listbox scrollable

 set swbw [ScrolledWindow .swbw]
 pack $swbw -fill both -expand true

 set lbbw [ListBox $swbw.lbbw]

 $swbw setwidget $lbbw

 # Now fill the listbox, resize the window to see the scrollbars in action

 for { set i 0 } { $i < 100 } { incr i } {
     $lbtk insert end "This is item $i"
     $lbbw insert $i $i -text "This is item $i"

Category Command , a part of Bwidget | Category GUI