Version 4 of Sew what - a discussion of Tcl and threads

Updated 2004-10-19 11:26:40 by schlenk

Purpose: a place to share your wisdom, confusion, hard won knowledge, ... regarding the use of Tcl and threads.

  • What are threads?
  • How are threads in Tcl different than people expect?
  • How do I tell if I can use threads in Tcl? Before being able to use threads in Tcl, you have to specifically specify a configuration time flag. The default is to not build with threads. Unfortunately, the last I checked, the configuration with the thread flags built libraries and executables with the same name as configuring without the flag; this means that you cannot tell simply by file names whether your Tcl has threads or not.
  • How can I tell whether my Tcl interpreter has been compiled with threads?
  # Check for threaded Tcl
  proc is_threaded {} {
     expr {[info exists ::tcl_platform(threaded)] && $::tcl_platform(threaded)}
  • If I build Tcl with threads, will I be able to use other extensions?

Category Threads