Version 15 of Simple Tkhtml web page displayer

Updated 2002-02-16 20:24:45

Purpose: to provide Neil Madden's five line Tkhtml based web page displayer.

This app fetches a web page, formats it, and displays it in a tk scrollable widget. It currently does not handle redirecting URLs, makin the web pages active, or ease of changing fonts, etc.

Perhaps some variant of this would be a useful proc for tklib.

 package require Tkhtml;package require http;pack [scrollbar .vsb  -orient vertical -command {.html yview}] -side right -fill y;pack  [html .html -bg white -yscrollcommand {.vsb set}] -fill both -expand 1
 set t [http::geturl];.html parse  [http::data $t];http::cleanup $t

Latest and greatest (thanks to DKF and others for comments). No -bg white, but fits in 4 lines/80 chars and adds hyperlinks and error handling (ignoring)!:

 package r Tkhtml;package r http;pack [scrollbar .v -o v -co {.h yv}] -s right -f y;pack [html .h -ys {.v set}] -f both -e 1;bind .h.x <1> {eval g [.h href %x %y]};proc g u {set t [http::geturl $u];.h cl;.h p [http::data $t];http::cleanup $t;.h co -base $u};g;proc bgerror args {};# NEM :-)

NEM - Redirecting URLs aren't too hard. Perhaps there should be an option in the http package though? http::config -followredirects 1. The HTTP codes which indicate a redirect are 301 and 302, so the following should do:

 proc geturl_followredirects {url} {
     set t [http::geturl $url]
     while {([http::ncode $t] == 301) || ([http::ncode $t] == 302)} {
         upvar #0 $t state
         array set meta $state(meta)
         http::cleanup $t
         set t [http::geturl $meta(Location)]
     return $t

Next, we probably want images too, so the following can be useful:

 image create photo default -data {

This creates a nice default image for us (a red cross if I remember correctly). Then we need a proc for fetching the images:

 proc FetchImage {src w h args} {
     # Fetch the image
     if {[catch {
         http::geturl $src -timeout 10000
     } token]} {
         return default

     set data [http::data $token]
     http::cleanup $token
     # Hack needed to make sure the data is binary:
     binary scan $data {}
     set name [image create photo]
     if {[catch {$name put $data} ret]} {
         return default
     return $name

You could add caching to this, but I leave that as an exercise. So, we can put this all together:

 .html configure -imagecommand FetchImage -hyperlinkcommand  geturl

Although, the -hyperlink command doesn't seem to work for me, so try:

 proc HrefBinding {x y} {
     set new [.html href $x $y]
     set new [string trim $new {{}}]
     if {[string length $new]} {
         geturl $new
 bind .html <Button-1> [list HrefBinding %x %y]

Add a wrapper for the hyperlinks:

 proc geturl {url} {
     .html configure -cursor watch
     set t [geturl_followredirects $url]
     .html clear
     set data [http::data $t]
     # Get the url, incase we followed redirects
     upvar #0 $t state
     set url $state(url)
     http::cleanup $t
     # Get the bgcolor and stuff. 
     if {[regexp -nocase {<title>(.*)</title>} $data -> title]} {
        wm title .  $title
     if {[regexp -nocase {<body[^>]+bgcolor=([^>]+)>} $data -> bgcolor]} {
         set bgcolor [string trim [lindex $bgcolor 0] \"]
         catch {.html configure -bg $bgcolor}
     .html configure -base $url
     .html parse $data
     .html configure -cursor xterm

Missing items -

 package require Img

goes a long way in helping images work.

  • You need some sort of resolution for URLs as a lot of them are not properly formed when passed from Tkhtml, so http packages croaks on them. Usually just a case of adding a http:// to the front.
  • Fonts can be done with the -fontcommand configuration option.
  • configuring -scriptcommand script, and then setting 'script' as a proc which returns nothing, can solve some problems with not updating properly.
  • This does very little error checking.
  • Applets using TclBlend would be cool.
  • URL resolution using the uri package would work for images.
  • A binding to change the cursor over links:
 bind .html.x <Motion> {
    set url [string trim [.html href %x %y] {{}}]
    if {[string length $url]} {
        .html configure -cursor hand2
    } else {
        .html configure -cursor xterm

So, the final stage:

 proc script {args} {}
 .html configure -scriptcommand script

OK - I've created a package which wraps up this and some more functionality. When my ftp server comes up, I will put it at either:


depending which comes up first :-) It works - I just edited this page using it!

The basic usage of the package is:

 package require browser
 pack [scrollbar .vsb -orient vertical -command {.html yview}] -side right -fill y
 pack [browser::browser .html -bg white -yscrollcommand {.vsb set}]  -side top -fill both -expand 1
 pack [label .l -bg gray -textvariable ::browser::browser(.html,status)] -side bottom -fill x
 proc updateTitle {var1 var2 op} {
     wm title .  $::browser::browser($var2)
 trace variable ::browser::browser(.html,title) w updateTitle
 browser::geturl .html

This deals with getting the page and all images (including a rudimentary cache), and handling links etc. It even will handle forms, but this doesn't seem to be working correctly in my Tkhtml build. License is normal BSD/Tcl license. I'll contribute it to tklib once I've polished it up a bit. Requires Tkhtml and http, with the optional addition of Img (recommended). I need to sort out the URL handling as well - may change to the uri package from tcllib, which handles various URLs better. You can add https support if you have TLS, too (see the http package docs).

For details, or if the above URLs still aren't working, send me an email: mailto:[email protected]

Category Application, Tkhtml, http