Version 0 of Simple search and replace

Updated 2006-03-17 17:47:57 by suchenwi

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-03-17 - Here's a search (and replace dialog) implemented in a pretty minimal way, yet it feels usable to me.

You can tie it to a text widget (see demo code below), and, well just try it for yourself...

 proc searchrep {t {replace 1}} {
    set w .sr
    if ![winfo exists $w] {
        toplevel $w
        wm title $w "Search"
        grid [label $w.1 -text Find:] [entry $w.f -textvar Find] \
                [button $ -text Next \
                -command [list searchrep'next $t]] -sticky ew
        bind $w.f <Return> [list $ invoke]
        if $replace {
            grid [label $w.2 -text Replace:] [entry $w.r -textvar Replace] \
                    [button $ -text Replace \
                    -command [list searchrep'rep1 $t]] -sticky ew
            bind $w.r <Return> [list $ invoke]
            grid x x [button $ -text "Replace all" \
                    -command [list searchrep'all $t]] -sticky ew
        grid x [checkbutton $w.i -text "Ignore case" -variable IgnoreCase] \
                [button $w.c -text Cancel -command "destroy $w"] -sticky ew
        grid $w.i -sticky w
        grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
        $t tag config hilite -background yellow
    } else {raise $w}
 proc searchrep'next w {
     foreach {from to} [$w tag ranges hilite] {
         $w tag remove hilite $from $to
     set cmd [list $w search -count n -- $::Find insert+2c]
     if $::IgnoreCase {set cmd [linsert $cmd 2 -nocase]}
     set pos [eval $cmd]
     if {$pos ne ""} {
         $w mark set insert $pos
         $w see insert
         $w tag add hilite $pos $pos+${n}c
 proc searchrep'rep1 w {
     if {[$w tag ranges hilite] ne ""} {
         $w delete insert insert+[string length $::Find]c
         $w insert insert $::Replace
         searchrep'next $w
         return 1
     } else {return 0}
 proc searchrep'all w {
     set go 1
     while {$go} {set go [searchrep'rep1 $w]}

#---------------- Test and demo:

 package require Tk
 pack [text .t]
 .t insert end "hello world, this is some text to test on"
 searchrep .t 

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