Version 1 of Simple way to parse command options

Updated 2010-04-06 04:46:40 by FabricioRocha

Fabricio Rocha - 06 Apr 2010 - While working on a personal project, I found myself in the situation of creating a Tcl command with a "configure" subcommand just like the one we find in Tk and some Tcl commands. It rapidly became clear that parsing options passed to a command is not exactly a simple thing. They often appear in a random order; an unknown option can be among the valid ones; there can be options without values (if, in a "configure"-like subcommand, the user wants to receive the current value of an option); there can be values hanging in the list without a preceding option... and I still have not thought about the validity of the passed values!!

After reading a bit in Argument Parsing, a discussion and command options, I took the road of separating the format checking from the values validation, and I found the existent procedures and libraries a little bit too much for what I wanted:

  • Format-checking only. I just wanted a procedure which would give me valid option/value pairs from a list of options in the very traditional and common Tcl/Tk format like "-color blue -hsize 120 -vsize 60". Without validation, it would be up to the caller procedure to do whatever it wanted with the values; and part of the parsing could be common to any other command/megawidget which works with options lists.
  • Tell the caller about options without values assigned to them, so they can be interpreted as a request for the current value of the option(s).
  • Discard invalid/unknown options if a list of valid options is provided.
  • Ignore values which are not assigned to any specific option
  • Optionally generate errors through the advanced return command options (I had studied this quite a bit and wrote about it in Errors management), so the caller could be warned about unexpected situations and correct them (or just pass the error away).

With those requirements in mind I created the following command for Tcl8.5, which seems to work very fine after some tests, so I wanted to share it here, in the hope it will be useful to someone in the same situation as mine...

# optionscheck
# Original by Fabricio Rocha - 06 Apr 2010
#        Creates a dictionary from a given sequence (list) of options like 
# the ones received by Tcl/Tk commands. Does not really perform parsing
# and validation of the given values, but verifies whether each option
# is valid (if a list of valid options is given) and whether each option
# is matched by one single value as usual. It can work "silently", simply
# creating special keys in the dictionary which hold the unexpected
# options and values, or can generate errors in these cases (and still
# return the dictionary). The caller can use "catch" and these errorcodes
# for providing special features, like options which don't need a value
# (like the "-nocomplain" option found in some Tcl commands).
# ARGUMENTS: "passedopts" is the list options to parse.
#        "validopts" is a list of valid options (they must be single
#        words starting with "-"); it can be an empty list if any word
#        starting with "-" can be recognized as a valid option.
#        "mode" must be -error (default if omitted) or -silent, and it means
#        how the procedure will behave if the passed options list contains
#        unusual elements.
# RESULTS: Returns a dictionary with the options and values passed in the
#        options list. Abnormal findings -- options not found in the valid
#        options list, values without a preceding option, options without
#        values following them -- are stored in the dictionary in lists under
#        VALUES respectively. If the "mode" was omitted or set to "-error", 
#        the procedure will return the dictionary under the "-result" key in
#        the dictionary retrieved by the variable placed as the third argument
#        in the "catch" command.
proc optionscheck { passedopts {validopts {}} {mode {-error}} } {
        set optsdic {}
        set openkey {}
        set compareopts 1
        set invalidopts {}
        set orphanvals {}
        set optsnoval {}
        # Test the mode
        if { ![string length $mode] || $mode ni {-error -silent} } { 
                # mode was set to empty or an invalid value: error
                return -code 1 -errorcode {GENERAL optionscheck ABORT \
                        INVALID_ARG} "Wrong \"mode\" argument: must be -error or -silent"
        # Simple test for the list of valid options
        if { ![llength $validopts] } {
                # If we don't have a list of valid options to compare the passed
                # options against, we won't do comparison; set the flag
                set compareopts 0
        set listsize [llength $passedopts]
        if { $listsize < 1 } {
                # What are we going to parse, dude?
                return -code 1 -errorcode {GENERAL optionscheck ABORT NOOPTS} \
                        "List of options to check is empty"
        # Loop begin: through the passed options list
        for {set i 0} {$i < $listsize} {incr i} {
                # Retrieve an item in the passed list
                set item [lindex $passedopts $i]
                # Let's guess what the item is...
                set itemtype {VAL}
                # If the item starts with "-" and is not a negative number,
                # it will be considered an option
                if {[string index $item 0] == "-" && [catch {expr "$item"}]} {
                        set itemtype {OPT}
                # A value item is valid only if there is an option waiting for it
                if { $itemtype eq "VAL" } {
                        if { [string length $openkey] } {
                                dict set optsdic $openkey $item
                                set openkey ""
                        } else {
                                # Value thrown in the list without a preceding option
                                lappend orphanvals $item
                        # We can proceed to the next item
                } else {
                        # Item was recognized as an option.
                        if { [string length $openkey] } {
                                # If there was an option waiting for a value, it got none
                                lappend optsnoval $openkey
                                # The previous option should have been given an empty
                                # value by default, so we don't need to touch it; but we
                                # must close it
                                set openkey ""
                        if { $compareopts && $item ni $validopts } {
                                # Item is an invalid option: we won't add it to the dict
                                # as a key. Proceed to the next item.
                                lappend invalidopts $item
                        # If we got here, the option can be added to the dict as a
                        # key and wait for a value in the next item 
                        dict set optsdic $item {}
                        set openkey $item
        }; # loop end
        # After the loop, a valid option may have been left waiting for a
        # value which never came: in such case, add it to the respective list.
        if { [string length $openkey] } {
                lappend optsnoval $openkey
        # Now include in the dictionary the unexpected results we got, and
        # generate errors if the alert flag was set
        set errlist {GENERAL optionscheck WARN}
        if { [set lsize [llength $invalidopts]] } {
                dict set optsdic INVALID_OPTIONS [list $invalidopts]
                if { $mode eq "-error" } {        
                        if { $lsize > 1 } {
                                set errmsg "Invalid options found"
                        } else {
                                set errmsg "Invalid option found"
                        lappend errlist INVALID_OPTIONS
                        return -code 1 -errorcode [list $errlist] \
                                -options "-result [list $optsdic]" $errmsg
        if { [set lsize [llength $orphanvals]] } {
                dict set optsdic VALUES_WITHOUT_OPTIONS [list $orphanvals]
                if { $mode eq "-error" } {        
                        if { $lsize > 1 } {
                                set errmsg "Values without preceding options"
                        } else {
                                set errmsg "Value without preceding option"
                        lappend errlist VALUES_WITHOUT_OPTIONS
                        return -code 1 -errorcode [list $errlist] \
                                -options "-result [list $optsdic]" $errmsg
        if { [set lsize [llength $optsnoval]] } {
                dict set optsdic OPTIONS_WITHOUT_VALUES [list $optsnoval]
                if { $mode eq "-error" } {        
                        if { $lsize > 1 } {
                                set errmsg "Options without values"
                        } else {
                                set errmsg "Option without a value"
                        lappend errlist OPTIONS_WITHOUT_VALUES
                        return -code 1 -errorcode [list $errlist] \
                                -options "-result [list $optsdic]" $errmsg
        # If we got here, we are in silent mode: just return
        return ${optsdic}

Excuse me for being so highly verbose - this lot of comments help myself to think better about what I'm doing... Observe that the lists assigned to -errorcode options in the return commands have a format which suits my project's needs; adapt them to the format you use in your application or library.

Here is a simple and silly usage example (requires some adaptation if you really want to run it):

array set MyOptions {-color blue -height 120 -width 60 -font courier}
set valids {-color -height -width -font}
# ....

if { [catch "optionscheck $args $valids -error" retval retdict] } {
    # Ooops, there was something uncommon in this list.
    set whathappened [lindex [dict get $retdict "-errorcode"] end]
    set optionsdict [dict get $retdict "-return"]
    if { $whathappened eq "OPTIONS_WITHOUT_VALUES" } {
        # hmm, the user wants to retrieve the values of some options
        foreach opt [dict get $optionsdict OPTIONS_WITHOUT_VALUES] {
            dict set querydict $opt MyOptions($opt)
        return $querydict
    # Let's use other method now:
    if { [dict exists $retdict INVALID_OPTIONS] } {
        # just forward the error message
        return -code 1 $retval
} else {
    # Very usual options list, the user defined new values for some or all options
    # If an error didn't happen, retval contains the options dictionary
    dict for {opt val} $retval {
        set MyOptions($opt) $val
    return [array get MyOptions]