Version 3 of SourceForge bug-reporting interface

Updated 2002-01-29 17:22:56

[Put [L1 ] in context.]

Donald Porter created a simpler interface vectored through . As he explains it, "Now when someone asks 'What do you think of Tcl Bug 461000 ?', you can load that page, select Tcl, enter '461000', and be looking at the report."

[Should we provide a command-line version?]

Alphatk provides a menu to let you jump quickly to any sourceforge project or bug report. All that's really needed is to put together the correct url. For example:

    proc sf::viewBugNumber {{proj ""} {bug ""}} {
        if {$bug == ""} { set bug [getline "View [sf::project $proj] project bug#"] }
        if {$bug == ""} { return }
        set group [lindex [sf::projectInfo $proj] 3]
        set http ""
        append http "?func=detail&aid=${bug}&group_id=${group}&atid=1${group}"
        url::execute $http

is the proc used in Alphatk, which anyone should be able to modify quite easily to work in any tcl/tk app.