Version 2 of Splitting strings with embedded strings

Updated 2006-08-10 06:33:09 by AM

Richard Suchenwirth - Robin Lauren <[email protected]> wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

I want to split an argument which contains spaces within quotes into proper name=value pairs. But I can't :)

Consider this example:

  set tag {body type="text/plain" title="This is my body"} 
  set element [lindex $tag 0]
  set attributes [lrange $tag 1 end] ;# *BZZT!* Wrong answer!

My attributes becomes the list {type="text/plain"} {title="This} {is} {my} {body"} (perhaps even with the optional backslash before the quotes), which isn't really what i had in mind.

How's this try? It first splits on doublequotes, so you get an alternating list of nonquoted and quoted contents; then it collects words from the nonquoted, and if that ends in a "=", appends (and re-quotes) the following quoted section:

 set result {}
 foreach {out in} [split $tag \"] {
        if {$out==""} break
        foreach i $out {
           if [regexp =$ $i] {set i $i\"$in\"}
           lappend result $i

 % set result
 body type=\"text/plain\" {title="This is my body"}
 set attributes [lrange $result 1 end]

Don't worry about the backslashed quotes in the type attribute. They are not really there... To further use the attribute tags and values, just split again on =.

AM Also see: Splitting a string on arbitrary substrings

split - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming - Category String Processing