Version 10 of Starkit - How To's

Updated 2003-01-17 17:10:52

This page gathers together in one place examples and desciptions of how to develop a Starkit application. If you are a first time Starkit user then go to the Starkit home page (see [L1 ]) for an overview of Starkit and information on what tools you will need and where to down load them.

Feel free to add your own How To or improve an existing one.

Tom Krehbiel

How to convert an application to a Starkit.

Most tcl applications can be converted to a Starkit with little or no modifiction. The pimary requirement is that all code exist under one node in the file system directory structure. A recommended Starkit directory structure illustrated on the "Anatomy of a starkit" page (see [L2 ]). This recommended sturcture should be used for all new application but when converting an application the only real requirement is that the file main.tcl exist at the top of the directory structure. Beyond this requirement you may what to put all packages in a lib directory at the top level because this directory is automaticlly added to the tcl auto_path by tclkit and doing this in the main.tcl script is a real pain.

Once you have fixed the directory structure of your application you can proceed wrapping your application into a Starkit or Starpack.

How to wrap/unwarp a Starkit or Starpack.

A starkit (or starpack) is wrapped using the sdx application (see [L3 ]). This application implements a lot of command but the wrap command is used to convert a directory containing an application into a starkit or starpack. To recover the original directory from a wrapped starkit or starpack use the sdx unwrap command.

The "How to assemble a starkit" page (see [L4 ]) illustrates how to use the sdx wrap and unwrap commands.

How to write the main.tcl for a starkit.