Version 0 of Starpack

Updated 2002-07-09 14:19:29

A starpack is a special versions of a starkit, which combines a starkit with a tclkit runtime into a single file.

Starpacks are standalone executables which run out of the box, making them even easier to distribute and use than starkits. This convenience does introduce a number of trade-offs:

  • starpacks only work on the platform fot which they have been built
  • starpacks cannot modify themselves
  • starpacks must be updated as a whole, and are (much) larger than most starkits

Note that starpacks use the same packaging mechanism as starkits, their content can be listed and extracted with the SDX utility. The main difference is that the "header" is a large executable file, and that the files stored inside include all the standard Tcl/Tk runtime support files.

See the Starkit page on this wiki, and the home page at