Version 1 of Starting Tclhttpd in a slave interpreter

Updated 2003-04-10 22:09:44

One simple way to embed tclhttpd into an tcl application is to just create a slave interpreter and load tclhttpd inside the slave. This is easy and works quite well and moves all problems with colliding names etc out of the way.

  # example code

  # StartEmbeddedHttpd
  # path is the path to the tclhttpd bin/httpd.tcl file
  # args are commandline args to pass to tclhttpd

  proc StartEmbeddedHttpd {path args} {

    set httpd [interp create] 

    # set tclhttpd command line options
    $httpd eval "set argc [llength $args]"
    set cmdargv "set argv [list $args ]"
    $httpd eval $cmdargv

    # now load the server and start it
    set cmd [list source $path]

    # the server does not return, it enters [vwait forever] , so we have to use the after 0 trick
    # errors have to be handled by bgerror

    after 0 $httpd eval $cmd

    return $httpd

  proc ShutdownEmbeddedHttpd {interp} {
    $interp eval Httpd_Shutdown

  proc DestroyEmbeddedHttpd {interp} {
    $interp delete

Usage example:

 % StartEmbeddedHttpd /tclhttpd/bin/httpd.tcl -port 9001

 # now we can even access our own server via http 
 % package require http
 % set tok [http::geturl http://localhost:9001/]

It is even possible to start multiple servers if they use different ports.