Version 3 of Static call graph

Updated 2005-07-13 18:54:04

GWL This is an example of building a static call graph (actually a tree) for a single routine. It builds a tree with the routine as the only child off of the root. A node's children are its callers (note, there are multiple paths to a caller, a caller is only inserted once in the tree). It would be more correct to use a graph, but my objective was just to find "top level" callers and I really did not care about the path.

Note -- this is an 80% solution, not a 100% solution.

    package require struct

    proc FindCallers {callTree procName callList} {
        global sourceCode

        ##puts stdout "Processing '$procName'"
        ##update idletask

        ## Get length once and start at the beginning
        set len [string length $procName]
        set index 0
        set callerList {}
        set skip 0

        ## Find all occurances
        while {[set pos [string first $procName $sourceCode $index]] != -1} {
            ## Verify this reference is not in a comment
            set eol [string last "\n" $sourceCode $pos]
            set line [string trim [string range $sourceCode $eol $pos]]
            ##puts stdout "\tFound at ($pos,$eol) in '$line'"
            ##update idletask

            if {[string equal [string index $line 0] {#}]} {
                ## It is a comment, so cause processing to be skipped
                set eol $pos
            } else {
                ## Get the caller position and the EOL of the caller
                set callerPos [string last "proc " $sourceCode $pos]
                set eol [string first \{ $sourceCode $callerPos]

            ## If the EOL is after the position of the procName, then this is the line
            ## that defines the proc we are interested in (or it is a comment)
            if {$eol < $pos} {
                ## Get the name of the caller
                set callerLine [string range $sourceCode $callerPos $eol]
                set callerName [lindex [split $callerLine] 1]

                ## Ignore it if it is in the list of calls passed in, i.e. we have recursion,
                ## or if it was already processed in this routine
                if {([lsearch -exact $callList $callerName] == -1) &&
                    ([lsearch -exact $callerList $callerName] == -1) &&
                    ![$callTree exists $callerName]} {
                    ##puts stdout "\tAddinging '$callerName' from '$callerLine' ($callerPos,$eol)"
                    ##update idletask

                    ## Add it to the list of callers processed so far
                    lappend callerList $callerName
                    $callTree insert $procName end $callerName

                    ## Create a new static callers list and add this caller to it.
                    ## And build its caller tree
                    set tempList callList
                    lappend tempList $callList
                    FindCallers $callTree $callerName $tempList
                } else {
                    incr skip

            ## Advance the index past where we found this occurance
            set index [expr {$pos + $len}]

        if {$skip && [$callTree isleaf $procName]} then {
            $callTree insert $procName end "--$procName"

    proc PrintLeaves {callTree node} {
        if {[$callTree isleaf $node] && ![string equal "--" [string range $node 0 1]]} {
            puts $node


    set ifd [open allMyCode.tcl r]
    set sourceCode [read $ifd]
    close $ifd
    set callTree [::struct::tree $procName]
    $callTree insert root end $procName
    FindCallers $callTree $procName {}
    $callTree walk root node {PrintLeaves $callTree $node}

Here is some code that does Dynamic call graph

Category Debugging | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming