Version 6 of TCL GSoC patterns and advice

Updated 2010-10-14 00:19:40 by kkb

(Page under building)

This page gives advice for GSoC's mentors and accepted students. It is created by GSoC students who completed their projects.

Project proposal template

This is a project proposal template for people which would like to add a new project ideas for Google Summer of Code.

***This is title of the project***

&|Areas| The project areas |&
&|Good if student know | Desired knowledge |&
&|Priority| (Low, Medium, High)|&
&|Difficulty| (Easy, Medium, Hard) |&
&|Benefits to the student| List benefits |&
&|Benefits to the Tcl| List benefits |&
&|Mentor| Mentor's name |&

'''Project Description'''

''This is a project description.''


''Some URLs here''


''Some comments here''

This is title of the project

Areas The project areas
Good if student know Desired knowledge
Priority (Low, Medium, High)
Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard)
Benefits to the student List benefits
Benefits to the Tcl List benefits
Mentor Mentor's name

Project Description

This is a project description.


Some URLs here


Some comments here

And a real life example which might look like:

Megawidget development

Areas Tcl
Good if student know TclOO
Priority Medium
Difficulty Easy
Benefits to the student Practical experience in design and implementation of a widget framework.
Benefits to the Tcl A consistent widget system making use of new core functionality.
Mentor Jeff Hobbs

Project Description

Based on TclOO (Tcl's built-in object system), translate and update the plethora of megawidgets into a single, unified megawidget system that can be "core" blessed. Would involve extensive use of OO, x-platform UI, event-driven coding, etc.



Megawidget framework with tclOO


DKF: I want more megawidgets, I want to know how good Tk 8.6 is for building megawidgets, I'd love to see a set of TclOO base classes for megawidget support, and I'm very keen on learning what things need to be added at the C level to make megawidgets easier/better. This is an ideal thing for a GSoC project, as it doesn't need a lot of complicated programming and the return on the student's effort is very immediate.

LV: at the very least, it would be beneficial for someone to do a review of several existing megawidget frameworks (both within the Tk community and outside), producing a set of requirements for a framework which, when eventually implemented, would provide a set of megawidgets that are more Tk (or perhaps more Ttk?) like.