Version 1 of Tcl_ExprLongObj

Updated 2008-05-14 20:26:01 by dgp

The manual for this Tcl C API function is at [L1 ].

Usage example

A simple Tcl code snippet to produce a random integer from 0 to 255 is:

 return [expr {int(rand()*(255+1))}]

The C function Tcl_ExprLongObj can be used to code this in C like this (assuming this is called from a Tcl interpreter 'interp'):

 Tcl_Obj *exprPtr;   /* pointer to hold the expression we want to evaluate */
 long myresult;      /* the integer holding the result of the expression */

 exprPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj("int(rand()*255+1)",-1); /* this prepares the expression, which must be given as a Tcl_Obj */
 /* now evaluate the expression in exprPtr and put the result into myresult */
 if (Tcl_ExprLongObj(interp,exprPtr,&myresult) != TCL_OK) {
     return TCL_ERROR;

DGP Perhaps worth noting that because Tcl_ExprLongObj() writes its result to a variable of type **long**, it implicitly performs the **int(.)** function as part of its nature. There's no need to include the **int(.)** call in the expression string.

Similar functions are Tcl_ExprDoubleObj, Tcl_ExprBooleanObj, and Tcl_ExprObj.

Category Tcl library