Version 3 of Tcl MP3 Alarm Clock

Updated 2008-11-27 13:25:03 by peterc


I (peterc) hate my city's shock jock monoculture, and the non-talkback stations here are more likely to put me back to sleep than wake me up.

Cron + a sound card + Tcl MP3 selector script + mpg123 + a 5 metre headphone extension cable + external PC speakers = No more terrible early morning radio! script

 package require fileutil

 # Essentials

 proc shuffle {list} {
  set n 1
  set slist {}
  foreach item $list {
   set index [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
   set slist [linsert $slist $index $item]
   incr n
  return $slist

 proc lvarpop {upVar {index 0}} {
  upvar $upVar list;
  if {![info exists list]} { return "-1" }
  set top [lindex $list $index];
  set list [concat [lrange $list 0 [expr $index - 1]] [lrange $list [expr $index +1] end]]
  return $top;

 # General

 proc get_dirs {} {
  if {![file exists $::dirs_file]} { puts "Error: $::dirs_file does not exist!" ; exit }
  if {![file readable $::dirs_file]} { puts "Error: $::dirs_file unreadable!" ; exit }
  set DF [open $::dirs_file "r"]
  fconfigure $DF -encoding binary -translation binary -buffering none
  set dirs [read $DF]
  close $DF
  return $dirs

 # Core

 proc random_from_all {items} {
  # Create list
  set fl [list]
  set dirs [get_dirs]
  foreach d $dirs {
   set mp3 [fileutil::findByPattern $d *.mp3]
   foreach f $mp3 { lappend fl $f }
  # puts "Full list:\n$fl\n";
  set fl [shuffle $fl]
  set c 0 ; while {$c < $items} { lappend pl [lvarpop fl 0] ; incr c }
  return $pl

 proc ordered_from_random_dirs {items} {
  # Create list
  set fl [list]
  set dl [list]
  set dq [list]
  set pl [list]
  set dirs [get_dirs]
  foreach d $dirs {
   set found [fileutil::findByPattern $d *]
   foreach f $found {
    if {[file isdirectory $f] && [regexp $d $f] } { lappend dl $f }
  # Shuffle directories
  set dl [shuffle $dl]
  set c 0 ; while {$c < $items} { lappend dq [lvarpop dl 0] ; incr c }
  # Collect files inside directories
  foreach d $dq {
   set mp3 [lsort [fileutil::findByPattern $d -glob *.mp3]]
   foreach f $mp3 { lappend pl $f }
  return $pl

 proc set_directories_file {value} { set ::dirs_file $value }

 # Main

 interp alias {} -rdof {} ordered_from_random_dirs ;# Random Dirs, Ordered Files
 interp alias {} -rdrf {} random_from_all           ;# Random Dirs, Random Files
 interp alias {} -cf {} set_directories_file       ;# Sets your root dirs file.
 set ::dirs_file "~/.mp3select/dirs.conf"          ;# Sets a default root dirs file.

 foreach {opt value} $argv {
  foreach f [$opt $value] { puts $f ; set didsomething 1 }

 if {![info exists didsomething]} {
  puts "Syntax:\n"
  puts " opt value opt value \[...\]\n"
  puts "Options:\n"
  puts " -rdof X : Random Dirs, Ordered Files; to play X random audioplays."
  puts " -rdrf X : Random Files; for playing X random tracks."
  puts " -cf /path/file : Sets the path to the file with root directories.\n"
  puts "Example:\n"
  puts " -rdrf 10 -cf ~/ -rdof 3\n"
  puts " This selects 10 random songs from the dirs in the default file,"
  puts " changes the dirs file to ~/ then selects 3 random albums.\n"
  puts "Notes:\n"
  puts " will not select a song twice in the same option track"
  puts " selection. The -cf setting applies to the next -rdof/-rdrf"
  puts " file selection/s but not previous ones. Multiple -cf may be used."

dirs.conf (and other conf/cf files)

Each file contains a list of root directories for your MP3 files, one per line. eg:


These root directories are searched recursively for playable MP3 files. You can list an unlimited number of root directories in each file, and of course, specify any number of conf/cf files on the command-line.


Originally by peterc. Standard BSD style license.

Use examples

Set up in Cron (using crontab -e):

 0 7 *  *  * * /pathto/ -rdrf 30 >/tmp/pl.txt && mpg123 -q -@ /tmp/pl.txt >/dev/null 2>&1

While I'm using the mpg123 app here, you can use MPlayer (using -playlist -really-quiet); or anything capable of reading a playlist/queue from a file.

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