Version 19 of Tcl and octal numbers

Updated 2003-07-05 21:57:53

Purpose: discuss the common pitfall of Tcl and octal numbers

Since Tcl does many things in an obvious manner, non-unix/c people are frequently surprised when they try this kind of code:

 # somehow get today's date and time into MMM DDD YYY HH MM SS variables

 set newtime [expr $HH + 1]

and get an error at 8am. The problem - Tcl tries to do

  expr 08 + 1

and complains. 08, you see, isn't really the string of the decimal number that comes after 7. Instead, it is an error. Tcl sees the leading 0 and treats the digits after it as representing a base 8 number. But there are no 8s (or 9s) in a base 8 number. So it generates an error.

The fix is to use:

    scan $HH %d HH

which strips hazardous leading zeros. This is also safer than [string trimleft $HH 0] which can fail if $HH ever ends up containing "00" for example.


glennj: one potential pitfall of [scan] is that it might mask potential errors:

        set n 09blah42
        incr n

fails as expected with the error message:

        expected integer but got "09blah42"
        while evaluating {incr n}


        set n 09blah42
        scan $n %d n
        incr n ;# ==> n is now 10

Application writers might actually want to trap an invalid entry like that.

[2003-03-12] I see Kevin Kenny contributed the following to c.l.t

     proc forceInteger { x } {
        set count [scan $x %d%s n rest]
        if { $count <= 0 || ( $count == 2 && ![string is space $rest] ) } {
            return -code error "not an integer: \"$x\""
        return $n
     % forceInteger x
     not an integer: "x"
     % forceInteger 123
     % forceInteger 08

This also covers my preceding concern:

     % forceInteger 09blah42
     not an integer: "09blah42"

Better than an explicit test of

    [string is space $rest]

is to just skip (optional) spaces in the scan pattern:

     proc forceInteger { x } {
        set count [scan $x {%d %c} n c]
        if { $count != 1 } {
            return -code error "not an integer: \"$x\""
        return $n

Donald Arseneau

[Refer to ]

[Explain improved diagnostic in 8.3.]

The question recently came up how do I display the octal value of a character in Tcl? and RS replied:

 'the complete sequence is "format 0%o [scan a %c]"'

(but only with Tcl more recent than 8.2 or so; older scan works slightly differently). proposes modifying Tcl in a future release so that numbers beginning with 0 will not be interpreted by default as being expressed in octal. The proposer believes that far more users stumble upon this feature by accident than use it intentionally.

IDG There appears to be an octal related bug in string is. string is double 098 returns 1. (8.4.1 on windoze)