Version 7 of Tcl warts

Updated 2007-01-29 19:33:22

Purpose: to detail some of the places where interacting with Tcl leads one to frustration, confusion, aggrevation, anger, hatred, ... (you get the idea...)

namespace: The concept is good, but the execution is flawed, especially if you're doing anything object-oriented. Which is kind of ironic, given that (AFAIK) namespace were created to support OO, specifically incr Tcl. The implementation has C++'s fingerprints all over the syntax. Tcl is many things, but C++ is not one of them. The two don't fit well together.

A problem that I keep running into is that I don't typically use the global scope operator :: for objects at global scope, so there's usually a string inequality between what I'm typing and the value of $self, $this, [self], whatever the OO system is using. And if you try and compose object names by combining object names, you get spurious ::'s lying around in the middle of names, which makes Tcl very unhappy.

glob: the need to somehow quote the glob {} combination so that one gets the quotes passed on to glob. Use quotation marks (") or braces around the arguments to get them past the parser.

Regular expressions: a similar problem - the need to quote arguments appropriately so that various regular expression metas make it through the tcl parsing.

Tcl comments: Why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments

Tcl hashes vs arrays: Sometimes people attempt to simulate 2 or more dimensions of arrays using the Tcl associated hashes (aka tcl arrays). The gotcha here is that because the array index is a string, white space is significant.

 $ set a1(1,2) abc
 $ puts $a1( 1,2)
 can't read "a1( 1,2)": no such element in array
 while evaluating {puts $a1( 1,2)}

Another gotcha here is trying to set arrays with white space:

 $ set a1( 1,2) abc
 wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?"
 while evaluating {set a1( 1,2) abc}

You need to use quotes if you are putting space into that variable.

Easily Tcl's most undeniable blemish: exec's brokenness in not directly allowing < or > as leading characters in arguments.

{expand} addresses another blemish.

[inconsistencies in names in library]

LV Shoot, exec doesn't allow | as a leading character in an argument either. And - as the leading character in an argument can cause problems, and so on...

On the other hand, if you are talking about using < or > as the leading character in a file name, you solve that problem in the same way you solve the others - make certain it isn't a relative path name:

 % exec ls ./>stuff
 ./>stuff: No such file or directory

So it is doable.

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