Version 4 of TclMyMoko

Updated 2008-09-11 16:49:12 by ukl

The OpenMoko Freerunner ( and its predecessor the NEO1973 ) is a GSM smartphone with a 480x640 touchscreen, a GSM Modem, WLAN, BlueTooth and a GPS Receiver. Hardware specs and schematics have been published. There are a couple of software stacks ( all based on a recent Linux kernel ) available. This includes a version of tck/tk ( in the 2007.2 stack this is version 8.4.11 )


For further information go to


The FreeRunner has two 3 axis accelerometers integrated. This script uses one to display attitude similar to a Spirit Level.

Offset are at this stage hardcoded.


 set acc [open /dev/input/event3 ]
 fconfigure $acc -encoding binary -translation binary -buffering none

 puts  pastopen

 set ::X1 0
 set ::Y1 0
 set ::Z1 0
 set cnt  0
 set int  20
 fileevent $acc readable {
        # puts preread
         set buf [read $acc 16]
        # puts postread
        binary scan $buf iissi tvsec tvusec type code value
        set ctime [expr {$tvsec + ($tvusec / 1e6)} ]

        # puts [format "% 8.1f %02x %02x  % 8d" $ctime $type $code $value ]
        switch -glob -- $type,$code \
          2,0 { incr ::X1 $value
        } 2,1 { incr ::Y1 $value
        } 2,2 { incr ::Z1 $value
        } 0,* {
                if {([incr cnt] % $int)==0} {
                        set ::X [expr {(0.0098 * $::X1 / $int)  -0.58}] ; set ::X1 0
                        set ::Y [expr {(0.0098 * $::Y1 / $int)  +0.17}] ; set ::Y1 0
                        set ::Z [expr {(0.0098 * $::Z1 / $int)  +0.72}] ; set ::Z1 0
                        libelle xy $::X $::Y $::Z
                        libelle xz $::X $::Z $::Y
                        libelle zy $::Z $::Y $::X
                        puts -nonewline [format "% 8.2f %8.2f % 8.2f cnt:% 8d         \r" $::X $::Y $::Z $cnt]
                        flush stdout
                        # after 500 set cont 1
                        # vwait cont
        } default {
                puts unknown:$type,$code/$value


 frame .f -width 480 -height 480
 pack .f -expand 1 -fill both
 set range 10.50
 scale .f.y -orient vertical   -from -$range -to +$range -resolution 0.01 -variable ::Y -label Y -tickinterval 0.5
 scale .f.x -orient horizontal -from +$range -to -$range -resolution 0.01 -variable ::X -label X -tickinterval 0.5
 canvas .f.c -width 380 -height 380 -bg darkgray
 button .f.b -command exit -text Exit
 grid .f.x -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ew
 grid .f.y -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
 grid .f.c -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
 grid .f.b -column 1 -row 1 -sticky nsew

 .f.c create oval {0 0 0 0} -fill red           -tag xy
 .f.c create oval {0 0 0 0} -fill blue          -tag xz
 .f.c create oval {0 0 0 0} -fill green -tag zy

 .f.c create line {170 0 170 390} -fill black
 .f.c create line {210 0 210 390} -fill black
 .f.c create line { 0 170 380 170} -fill black
 .f.c create line { 0 210 380 210} -fill black

 .f.c create line {150 0 150 390} -fill black
 .f.c create line {230 0 230 390} -fill black
 .f.c create line { 0 150 380 150} -fill black
 .f.c create line { 0 230 380 230} -fill black

 proc libelle {tag X Y Z} {
        set scale 20.0
        set zscale 1.0
        set xc [ expr {190 - (int(0.5+ ($X * $scale ))) }]
        set yc [ expr {190 + (int(0.5+ ($Y * $scale ))) }]
        set zc [ expr {20 + (int(0.5+ (($Z+10.0) * $zscale ))) }]
        set coords [ list [expr {$xc - $zc}] [expr {$yc - $zc}] [expr {$xc + $zc}] [expr {$yc + $zc}] ]
        .f.c coords $tag $coords

 # working

SL 9/9/08: What is that? A FreeRunner? What does the script?