Version 2 of TclXML

Updated 2001-10-02 12:24:12

TclXML is Zveno's XML extension, based at .

As of September 2001, TclXML has a pure-Tcl XPath parser.

There have been some people having problems loading the TclDOM and TclXML packages into Safe interpreters. The problem is that the safe package restricts filenames to 14 characters. TclXML has tclparser-8.1.tcl as one of it's files which exceeds this limit. Here is the TclSOAP solution which removes this restriction:

 proc SOAP::CGI::createInterp {interp path} {
     set slave [safe::interpCreate $interp]
     safe::interpAddToAccessPath $slave $path
     # override the safe restrictions so we can load our
     # packages (actually the xml package files)
     proc ::safe::CheckFileName {slave file} {
        if {![file exists $file]} {error "file non-existent"}
        if {![file readable $file]} {error "file not readable"}
     return $slave

This returns a safe interpreter for which interp eval "package require xml" should work. PT

Category Package