Version 4 of Tcllib Installation

Updated 2006-05-09 09:13:39

The current tcllib release as it can be found on Sourceforge since Oct 15 2005 is Version 1.8.

You should have an installed Tcl version greater or equal to 8.2 for most packages in Tcllib, for 64-bit systems a recent Tcl 8.4 or newer is recommended.

Getting Tcllib

Depending on your OS appropriate packages may be available from the vendor (be it RPM, deb or an other system vendor specific packaging system), if there is maybe you should try those first.

If not, you have some ways to get to a working tcllib on your OS.

1. Get a distribution that includes the current Tcllib, like the ActiveState distro of Tcl. Install it and use your new system. Skip the installation part in this document.

2. Download one of the packages from sourceforge ( )

If you have tclkit or the packages needed to run starkits you can use the tcllib.kit, a starkit based installer. If not, just download either the zip, gz or bz2 compressed files, unpack in a temporary directory. Now read on under Installing Tcllib

3. Checkout the tcllib from CVS.

Change to a temporary working directory. Do a cvs checkout like this:

 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib login
 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib co -r tcllib-1-8 tcllib

Now you have a CVS version of the 1.8 version around. Follow the instructions under Installing Tcllib to install it. If you want the bleeding edge version from CVS do this instead:

 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib login
 cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/tcllib co tcllib

The bleeding edge version may have extra bugfixes and new features.

Installing Tcllib

If you used something like ActiveStates Distro, a deb or rpm package, you probably don't need this.

The easiest way to install tcllib is the included installer, try:

 tclsh installer.tcl


 wish installer.tcl

It pops up a GUI if Tk is available, which will guide you through the installation. You can get infos about valid command line switches for the installer by running:

 tclsh installer.tcl -help

Testing if Tcllib works

Fire up your default tcl interpreter. Try this (or to require any of the other packages):

 % package require logger

If it works and returns the version number of the returned package you installed Tcllib correctly. If it does not work, check your auto_path variable like this:

 % set auto_path

It has to contain the parent directory of the directory you installed the packages to, or the install directory itself. If it is missing, you have to add it to your auto_path in your scripts.

 % lappend auto_path /path/to/tcllib/installdir

[ Tcllib ]