Version 1 of TearoffTabBar -Notebook Style Access to Floating Palettes

Updated 2005-01-17 13:50:01

WJG (17 Janaury 2005)

Notebooks provide really useful access to pages of forms and the use of page tabs is a really quick and easily way to switch between those forms. But, what if we want that sort visual style of access, which will pull up extra boxes of tools, forms or just whatever we can fit in a widget container. As I don't have to get my daughter from school yet and I don't start work till tonight and the missus has gone out for lunch with her mates and. well, I don't wnat to prune our trees on such a cold and damp day, I've spent the morning putting the bits together. I'm sure that, indeed I hope that other Tickler's out there will play-n-hack with this code. Next step, modify the palette window creation proc to create a floating palette see XXXXX.

 # tearofftabbar.tcl
 # ------------------------
 # Copyright (C) 2005 William J Giddings
 # email: [email protected]
 # Description:
 # -----------
 # Provide a horisontal notebook tab-bar megawidget that allows
 # floating palettes to appear rather than book pages. Conceptually 
 # this is similar a standard to a menu button but enables the author
 # is now abled to embed other resources into the palette.
 # Creation:
 # --------
 # TearoffTabBar pathName ?option value...?  
 # Standard Options:
 # ----------------   
 # -relief            (default = flat)
 # -borderwidth       (default = 0)
 # Widget Specific Options:
 # -----------------------
 # -lbevel             Tab left bevel (default = 2)
 # -rbevel             Tab right bevel (default = 2)
 # -font               Tab font (default = Ariel 10)
 # -height             Set base tab height (default = 20) 
 # -width              Set base tab width (default = 75)
 # -shift              Set rise/drop of tags (default = +/-3)
 # Returns:            
 # --------                       
 # Pathname of the tabbar container.
 # Widget Commands:
 # --------
 # pathName add        Add new tab to the bar. Returns pathname of the palette created.            
 # pathName raisetab   Raise tab to topmost position.
 # pathName lowertab   Lowet tab.
 # Bindings:
 # -----------------------------------# 
 # Tab                 Button-1    Raise tab and show palette. Lower previously selected tab.
 # Palette             Focus-In    Raise associated tab.
 # Example:
 # -------
 # This module includes a demo proceedure. Delete and/or comment out as required.
 # Note:
 # ----
 # Work still in progress.
 # Future enhancements:
 # -------------------
 # 1) Improve/complete this notes section.
 # 2) Combine with floating-palettes.
 # 4) Means of tracking available palettes per tabbar widget.
 package require Tk
 namespace eval TearoffTabBar {} 
 proc TearoffTabBar { pathName args} {
     # create private namespace and set defaults
     namespace eval ${pathName} {
         set height 20
         set width 75
         set relief flat
         set borderwidth 0
         set font {Ariel 10}
         set lbevel 2
         set rbevel 15
         set shift 3
         set image ""
         set lasttab ""
     # parse args
     foreach {arg val} $args {
         puts "$arg : $val"
         switch -- $arg {
             -height -
             -relief -
             -borderwidth -
             -lbevel -
             -rbevel -
             -font { set ${pathName}::[string trimleft $arg -] $val }
     # create container
     canvas $pathName \
         -height [set ${pathName}::height] \
         -relief [set ${pathName}::relief] \
         -borderwidth [set ${pathName}::borderwidth]
     # Here comes the overloaded widget proc:
     rename $pathName _$pathName      ;# keep the original widget command
     proc $pathName {cmd args} {
         set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# get name I was called with
         switch -- $cmd {
             add         {eval TearoffTabBar::add $self $args}
             raisetab    {eval TearoffTabBar::raisetab $self $args}
             lowertab    {eval TearoffTabBar::lowertab $self $args}
             default     {uplevel 1 _$self $cmd $args}
     return $pathName
 # add new items to the bar
 proc TearoffTabBar::add {pathName args} {
     # set some defaults
     set xpos 1
     set height [set ${pathName}::height]
     set width 75
     set title "NEW"
     set font {Ariel 10}
     set tabbg SystemButtonFace
     set image ""
     # parse args
     foreach {arg val} $args {
         switch -- $arg {
             -tag -
             -xpos -
             -height -
             -width -
             -title -
             -image -
             -font  { set [string trimleft $arg -] $val}
             -tabbg -
             -tabbackground { set tabbg $val}
     # add local vars, make this easier to read
     set lbevel [set ${pathName}::lbevel]
     set rbevel [set ${pathName}::rbevel]
     # draw the tab
     # 1) background polygon
     $pathName create polygon \
         $xpos $height $xpos $lbevel \
         $xpos $lbevel [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0 \
         [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0 [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 \
         [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 [expr $xpos + $width] $rbevel \
         [expr $xpos + $width] $height  \
         -fill  $tabbg \
         -outline $tabbg \
         -tag $tag
     # 2) tab outline
     # 2a) left line
     # |
     # |
     # |
     $pathName create line \
         $xpos $height \
         $xpos $lbevel \
         -fill white \
         -tag $tag
     # 2b) left bevel 
     # /
     # |
     # |
     # |
     $pathName create line \
         $xpos $lbevel \
         [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0 \
         -fill white \
         -tag $tag
     # 2c) top line
     # /-------------
     # |
     # |
     # |
     $pathName create line \
         [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0  \
         [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 \
         -fill white \
         -tag $tag
     # 2d) right bevel
     # /-------------\
     # |              \
     # |               \
     # |
     $pathName create line \
         [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 \
         [expr $xpos + $width] $rbevel \
         -fill #888888 \
         -tag $tag
     # 2e) right line
     # /-------------\
     # |              \ 
     # |               \
     # |                |
     $pathName create line \
         [expr $xpos + $width] $rbevel \
         [expr $xpos + $width] $height  \
         -fill #888888 \
         -tag $tag
     # 3) add icon
     if {$image != "" } {
         $pathName create image \
             [expr $xpos + 4] 11 \
             -image $image \
             -anchor w \
             -tag $tag
     # 4) add text
     $pathName create text \
         [expr $xpos + 22] 11 \
         -text $title \
         -anchor w \
         -font $font \
         -tag $tag
     # shuffle the tabs down
     # --------
     $pathName move $tag 0 2
     # add bindings
     $pathName bind $tag <ButtonPress-1> {
         set cc ""
         set aa [lindex [%W gettags current] 0 ]
         %W raise $aa
         %W raisetab $aa
         foreach item [%W coords $aa ] {
             set item [string trimright $item ".0"]
             lappend cc $item
         set maxx 0
         foreach {x y} $cc { if {$x > $maxx} {set maxx $x} }
         set aa [string tolower $aa]                
         wm geometry .$aa +[expr [winfo rootx %W] + $maxx -90]+[expr [winfo rooty %W]+25]
         wm deiconify .$aa
     # create palette
     toplevel [string tolower .$title]
     wm transient [string tolower .$title] .
     wm title [string tolower .$title] "Palette: $title"
     wm protocol [string tolower .$title] WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw [string tolower .$title]"
     wm withdraw [string tolower .$title]
     bind  [string tolower .$title] <FocusIn> ".ttb raisetab $title"
     return [string tolower .$title]
 # move tag up 5 pixels
 proc TearoffTabBar::raisetab {pathName tag} {
     catch {  $pathName lowertab [set ${pathName}::lasttab] }
     $pathName raise $tag
     $pathName move $tag 0 -[set ${pathName}::shift]
     set ${pathName}::lasttab $tag
 # move tag down 5 pixels
 proc TearoffTabBar::lowertab {pathName tag} {
     $pathName move $tag 0 [set ${pathName}::shift]
     $pathName lower $tag [set ${pathName}::lasttab]
 # test block
 proc demo {} {
     pack [TearoffTabBar .ttb -rbevel 2] -fill x
     pack [text .txt -font {Ariel 12} ] -fill both -expand 1
     set x 5
     # create some initial graphics
     image create photo im_red -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP////8AAAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==
     image create photo im_green -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///wD/AAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==
     image create photo im_blue -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///wAA/wAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==
     foreach item {England Scotland Wales Ireland Eire} {
         .ttb add -title $item -font {Ariel 8} -xpos $x -width 90 -tag $item -image im_red
         .ttb lowertab $item
         incr x 75
     .txt insert end "Tearoff Tabbar.\n\nClick on a tab..."