Testbed for Little_Math_Language V2 and TCL demo examples calculations, numerical analysis

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Title: Little_Math_Language V2


gold 15Oct2020 Here is extension of program written by and Richard Suchenwirth RS in 2000 and AM in 2004.


Called Little_Math_Language V2 in TCL as partial math language interpreter. Wrote some code for charts supporting. Learning experience, Added some easy eye console displays for my bad eyes. And trying some new features. Math calculation forms seem to be working.

The analogy of using Little_Math_Language V2 to control the large TCL language is like sticking an Apple computer for the human operator in front of a Cray computer. The human mind probably can only understand and use a limited set of instructions, an interface in hardware or TCL? language as a limited set of instructions might be useful. After all, the human mind was designed to chase rabbits.


figure 1. as vaporware

figure 2.

figure 3. screenshot 3

Testbed for Little_Math_Language screenshot

figure 4. computer geeks


Appendix TCL programs and scripts

* Pretty Print Version


Extension Code

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Please include your wiki MONIKER and date in your comment with the same courtesy that I will give you. Thanks, gold 15Oct2020 x xxx