Version 7 of Text Widget Bug

Updated 2005-06-09 03:16:28

MG, on June 8th 2005

Um, is this reported in the Tk Bug Tracker?

MG I've just skimmed the list, and can't see it there, no. I'm not entirely sure it is actually a Tk bug, though - we're both running the same OS, and the same version of (Active)Tcl/Tk, but I can't get the problem on my computer, doing exactly the same thing he's doing. I'll do some more testing as suggested below, and see if I can replicate it any other way (either on this computer, or on his outside of this particular Tcl program), and see what I can find out...

Hey folks,

A friend of mine using a Tcl/Tk program I wrote (Potato MUSH (MUD) Client) seems to have found a bug in the Text widget, but it's one I can't to replicate (I'm using ActiveTcl 8.4.9). The text widget has a few modified bindings, but the only one which could be relevant to this is a new <MouseWheel> binding:

  bind Text <MouseWheel> {mouseWheel %W %X %Y %D}
  proc mouseWheel {w x y d} {

    set in [winfo containing -displayof $w $x $y]
    if { $in == "" || [winfo class $in] != "Text" } {
         $w yview scroll [expr {- ($d / 120) * 4}] units
       } else {
         $in yview scroll [expr {- ($d / 120) * 4}] units
  };# mouseWheel

When he scrolls with the middle button (a wheel mouse), the display of the Text widget becomes, for lack of a better word, "screwy". A couple of screen shots (before and after scrolling) are below, along with some info on his computer / Tcl version.. if anyone has any ideas, about whether this is a bug in the Text widget or something in my code, I'd appreciate any help.


(My apologies for the huge images, btw - I didn't want to shrink them for risk of losing clarity)

escargo 8 Jun 2005 - Maybe you could build a test version and use event generate to simulate mousewheel movement and see if you can duplicate the problem.

MG Yeah, that's a good idea - can't think why it never occurred to me, now that you've said it :) I'll do some experimenting and see what I can find... There isn't a way to bind to any and all events, is there? I know you can, for instance, bind to <Key> for all keypress events, but I don't know of a catch-all binding (for the purposes of bind $textWidget <All> {puts %K} to see exactly what's firing).

 % set tcl_patchLevel
 % set tk_patchLevel
 % parray tcl_platform
 tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian
 tcl_platform(machine)   = intel
 tcl_platform(os)        = Windows NT
 tcl_platform(osVersion) = 5.1
 tcl_platform(platform)  = windows
 tcl_platform(user)      = The Master
 tcl_platform(wordSize)  = 4


And after:

Peter Newman 9 June 2005: From the bind manpage:-

  • %X - The x_root field from the event. If a virtual-root window manager is being used then the substituted value is the corresponding x-coordinate in the virtual root. Valid only for ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, and Motion events.
  • %Y - The y_root field from the event. If a virtual-root window manager is being used then the substituted value is the corresponding y-coordinate in the virtual root. Valid only for ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, KeyRelease, and Motion events.

Doesn't this mean that %X and %Y aren't supported by the MouseWheel event?