Version 16 of The comp.lang.tcl newsgroup

Updated 2003-01-22 14:29:21

This page was originally called comp.lang.tcl, but files on the wiki whose title end in .tcl cause formatting to be turned off. That's why I moved it to this slightly more verbose name -- RS

news:comp.lang.tcl (c.l.t) and its moderated counterpart news:comp.lang.tcl.announce (c.l.t.a) are 2 of the Usenet group options which are extremely useful and the richest communication channel available for Tclers. Due to much traffic, it overwhelms me sometimes, and I need long linking sessions to keep up with what all the guys wrote.

Whenever I find text or code examples worth keeping for posterity, I try to bring it to this Wiki. Feel free to contribute in a similar fashion!

Bryan Oakley wrote on c.l.t, 28Nov2001: This group is more like a school playground where the place is filled with kids who see gems when other people only see rocks, and everyone shares in the magic of a found treasure even if it's really just something a grown-up threw away. And when they find something that truly is junk it is just thrown away with a laugh, and a race to find the next cool thing :-)

Tom Poindexter writes on clt about some of its history [L1 ]

LV: I will add one - here's the first appearance of the Tcl source code on usenet! [L2 ]

Could someone point to resources on how to find NNTP servers, clients, etc.? Is there a resource either here on the Wikit or elsewhere that would be useful?

A look at shows Simple News Posting Program. Also, try*

Someone commented: It is a matter of good manners to either check first with the original author or at least let them know afterwards. Some people prefer anonimity ... RS: Posting to Usenet is like "going public" - Deja doesn't ask you either whether you want your posting archived...

Ah, but Deja/Google allows one to add a header that says "Do not archive this posting".

The bottom line is that while there is no requirement to check with the author, it is good manners. And one seldom goes wrong with observing good manners. RS: OK, point taken.

DejaNews used to have comp.lang.tcl under - but now that's sold to Google at: . One has access to 5-6 years of comp.lang.tcl* archives by using the advanced searching function of google. It appears to LV that, during November 2001, the lag time between posting and articles appearing on google, is about 6-8 hours.

Google now supports posting to clt. 

See also: or

The tclNNTPD server at provides free access to clt; you can use any newsreader - e.g. Netscape Communicator´s. Notice that this also allows for posting, so that those without general Usenet access still can participate fully in c.l.t.

Another free alternative to reading and posting on c.l.t. is .

Note that as usenet posters contribute to the newsgroup, they get a pointer in email to the Dirty Dozen tcl urls. This includes a pointer to this web site as well as to , the WWW launch page for this newsgroup.

LV: Musings on USENET

Often people wonder what is okay to post to the newsgroups above. This is a wonderful thing to wonder - I wish the spammers would worry about such a thing... If the posting is source code, there are several options. You could just send along a URL to an ftp or WWW page at your own site. If you don't have such a resource, you could make use of , which provides ftp and http space for Tcl source. Other options include the various free web space sites on the WWW, or one of the several free 'internet disk space' web sites. There is even disk space available from some of the free mailing list management web sites - you could upload the latest version AND provide an application-specific mailing list at the same time! Finally, there is the option of asking on comp.lang.tcl for some space if all of the above fail for some reason. However, relatively small (in my mind, less than 50k qualifies here) pieces of code could be posted to the newsgroup. Bigger than that and readers may run into posting size limits somewhere along the path. Certainly one should not post binaries to the newsgroup - unless of course it is an encoding of a compressed archive of source code <smile>. Binaries are best served up via one of the previously mentioned internet resources - or even just by having people send you email.

If the posting is in regards to mentioning a new application, or a new release of an application, those are very much in order. In fact, that's the primary purpose for news:comp.lang.tcl.announce . However, there has, at times, been delays in postings to that newsgroup appearing. If you don't see your announcement after a day or two (and you can check to see if the announcement has really gone out), then go ahead and post to comp.lang.tcl - many people in fact cross-post to both groups - just in case some people don't get one or only want to watch the other... One thing that you are encouraged to consider is to not post lots of references/updates/etc. on a daily (or even weekly) basis, as that will tend to annoy people. Another thing that seems to annoy people is the mentioning of one or a few specific solutions in almost every posting. However, a bit of forethought will usually lead one to be considerate of others.

If the posting is in regards to a job opening at your company, there is a mixed view of the appropriateness of this. Some people are annoyed at seeing postings of job openings at all. Others find them interesting - while still others find them invaluable. I myself recommend not posting job openings to the announce newsgroup. However, I myself do not see anything wrong with an occasional (i.e. not more than once every couple of months) posting looking for employees who specifically have Tcl experience.

One of the cardinal rules, though, of newsgroups is relevancy. If your posting - whatever the topic - is not relevant to Tcl and/or one of its extensions or applications, then it probably belongs elsewhere.

Recently, Cameron Laird wrote regarding a wish for usenet posters:

".... One of the most important things for junior programmers to learn is that top coders know how to test and automate, and expect to do both these things at all opportunities. I'm inclined to take Donal at his word, and believe that he makes no fewer errors than others, and quite possibly more. However, he's quite good at verifying his own work.

If we could somehow teach a fraction of that to incoming Usenet posters ... well, the world would be a different place."

Larry Virden recently wrote in a newsgroup for some other language:

 According to Martien Verbruggen <[email protected]>:
 :On Thu, 04 Jan 2001 01:29:53 GMT,
 :       John Hall <[email protected]> wrote:
 :> I see a lot of "you work stupid" and "RTFM" on this list.
 :Mostly when it is deserved.

Treating someone poorly, regardless of their inappropriate behavior, seldom converts them to one's point of view. It creates barriers, and in all likelihood burns bridges which, one day, one may regret having burned (imagine if you will finding yourself across the hiring desk from someone that you might have treated that way...)

See also Effective ways to request help with Tcl-related problems.

[This page also needs pointers to standard Usenet introductions. Do that someday ...]

Basics of Usenet: [L3 ]

Usenet Glossary: [L4 ]

Posting Style Guide: [L5 ]

There have also been noteworthy off-topic postings to c.l.t.

Hi, i have the same problem, as in the question number 63 in FAQ. After first send/expect is spawn_id invalid. This Problem exist only under Windows, don't under Linux. I try to solve it for Windows.

set serial open "com1:" RDWR fconfigure $serial -mode 38400,n,8,1 set process spawn -open $serial -noecho

puts "\n\nSTART\n" expect -exact "Press Ctrl-C to bypass this." puts " -trying to abort the boot procedure......" send "\u0003" expect_after { # on this way I'm coming forward for one step only

             eof {puts "\n eof \n"}

expect "YAMON>" puts "\n problem1 Done \n" puts "\n ........\n" puts "\n ........\n" send "set whatever\n" # here the problem return, spawn_id is invalid expect "YAMON>" puts "\n problem2 Done \n"

After each expected String is EOF set, how can i ignore it? Thank you for your efforts Alex

Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming