Version 0 of TkChallenger

Updated 2002-10-09 19:40:51

Keith Vetter - Here's a little tk program that lets you solve the Challenger puzzles that you often find syndicated in the daily paper [L1 ]. In this puzzle you must make each row, column and diagonal add up to a certain sum. This program aids in solving them by giving you running totals, showing illegal, correct and forced squares.

I wrote it with the intention that the user would enter the day's puzzle and then solve it. But I've also include a half-dozen or so puzzles from the last week to give you a taste.

 # challenger.tcl
 # Challenger -- helps solve the challenger math puzzle
 # by Keith Vetter
 # Revisions:
 # KPV Oct 08, 2002 - initial revision

 # All the cells in the puzzle
 set state(cells) {0 4
    1 0  1 1  1 2  1 3  1 4
    2 0  2 1  2 2  2 3  2 4
    3 0  3 1  3 2  3 3  3 4
    4 0  4 1  4 2  4 3  4 4
    5 0  5 1  5 2  5 3  5 4 }

 # Some puzzles to play with
 set puzzle(0) {16 . 1 . . 9 . . . 3 16 . . 2 . 17 1 . . . 9 11 18 12 10 12}
 set puzzle(1) {24 . . 3 . 14 . 9 . . 34 . . . 7 33 6 . . . 30 28 27 29 27 32}
 set puzzle(2) {18 . . 3 . 10 . 4 . . 20 . . . 1 10 5 . . . 20 12 13 17 18 12}
 set puzzle(3) {7 . 1 . . 8 . . . 1 9 . . 1 . 10 1 . . . 11 9 9 9 11 12}
 set puzzle(4) {23 . . . 5 23 6 . . . 23 . . 6 . 23 . 5 . . 23 25 19 25 23 23}
 set puzzle(5) {33 . 9 . . 28 . . . 6 30 . . 8 . 29 8 . . . 30 29 30 32 26 27}
 set puzzle(6) {35 . . 5 . 23 . 2 . . 21 . . . 9 20 8 . . . 31 20 24 20 31 17}
 set puzzle(7) {28 . 9 . . 26 . . 5 . 26 8 . . . 27 . . . 5 27 30 30 22 24 25}
 set puzzle(8) {15 5 . . . 16 . . . 3 6 . 3 . . 22 . . 4 . 15 21 12 7 19 9}

 # The rows, columns and diagonals
 array set rows {
    1,4 {1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3}  2,4 {2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3}  3,4 {3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3}
    4,4 {4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3}  5,0 {1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0}  5,1 {1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1}
    5,2 {1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2}  5,3 {1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3}  5,4 {1,0 2,1 3,2 4,3}
    0,4 {4,0 3,1 2,2 1,3}
 array set move {Up {-1 0} Down {1 0} Left {0 -1} Right {0 1}}

 set state(locked) 0
 set state(undo) {}
 set state(forced) {}
 set state(who) -1

 proc DoDisplay {} {
    wm title . "TkChallenger"

    frame .play -bd 2 -relief raised -padx 30 -pady 20
    frame .bottom
    for {set row 0} {$row < 6} {incr row} {
        set cells {}
        if {$row == 0} {set cells "x x x x"}
        for {set col 0} {$col < 5} {incr col} {
            if {$row == 0} {set col 4}
            set tag ".e$row,$col"
            entry $tag -width 6 -textvariable ss($row,$col) -justify c \
                -disabledbackground lightblue -exportselection 0
            $tag config -disabledforeground [$tag cget -foreground]
            bind $tag <Key> [list MyKey %W %A %K]
            if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
                $tag config -bg cyan -disabledbackground cyan
            lappend cells $tag
        eval grid $cells -in .play
    button .new -text "New Puzzle" -command PickPuzzle -takefocus 0
    button .forced -text "Do Forced Moves" -command DoForced -takefocus 0
    button .undo -text Undo -command Undo -state disabled -takefocus 0

    pack .play .bottom -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .new .forced .undo -in .bottom -side left -pady 10 -expand 1

    array set ::b2m {.lock {.m.puzzle 3} .unlock {.m.puzzle 4} .undo {.m.edit 4}
        .erase {.m.edit 0} .eraseA {.m.edit 1} .forced {.m.edit 3}}
    focus .e1,0
 proc DoMenus {} {
    menu .m -tearoff 0
    . configure -menu .m                 ;# Attach menu to main window

    # Top level menu buttons
    .m add cascade -menu .m.puzzle -label "Puzzle" -underline 0
    .m add cascade -menu .m.edit   -label "Edit"   -underline 0
    .m add cascade -menu   -label "Help"   -underline 0

    menu .m.puzzle -tearoff 0
    .m.puzzle add command -label "Blank Puzzle" -under 0 -command {Erase 1}
    .m.puzzle add command -label "New Puzzle" -under 0 -command PickPuzzle
    .m.puzzle add separator
    .m.puzzle add command -label "Lock Puzzle" -under 0 -command Lock
    .m.puzzle add command -label "Unlock Puzzle" -under 0 -command Unlock

    menu .m.edit -tearoff 0
    .m.edit add command -label "Erase" -under 0 -command {Erase 0}
    .m.edit add command -label "Erase All" -under 6 -command {Erase 1}
    .m.edit add separator
    .m.edit add command -label "Do Forced Moves" -under 0 -command DoForced
    .m.edit add command -label "Undo"            -under 0 -command Undo

    menu -tearoff 0 add command -label Help  -under 0 -command Help
 proc PickPuzzle {{who ""}} {
    global state ss puzzle

    if {$who == ""} {                           ;# Pick one at random
        set names [array names puzzle]
        set len [llength $names]
        while {1} {
            set n [expr {int(rand() * $len)}]
            set who [lindex $names $n]
            if {$who != $state(who)} break
            if {$len == 1} break
    set state(who) $who
    Erase 1
    foreach {row col} $state(cells) val $puzzle($who) {
        if {$val == "."} {set val {}}
        set ss($row,$col) $val
 # DoButtons -- set the buttons state depending on circumstances
 proc DoButtons {} {
    global state b2m

    array set s {1 normal 0 disabled}
    set ww [list .lock .unlock .erase .eraseA .undo .forced]

    # Get into bb the states we want
    if {$state(locked)} { set bb {0 1 1 0} } { set bb {1 0 0 1} }
    lappend bb [expr {[llength $state(undo)]   > 0 ? 1 : 0}]
    lappend bb [expr {[llength $state(forced)] > 0 ? 1 : 0}]

    foreach w $ww b $bb {
        if {[winfo exists $w]} {                ;# Configure the button
            $w configure -state $s($b)
        foreach {m e} $::b2m($w) {              ;# Configure the menu
            $m entryconfigure $e -state $s($b)
 # Lock -- locks (by disabling) all cells w/ values in them
 proc Lock {} {
    global ss state

    foreach {row col} $state(cells) {
        set tag ".e$row,$col"
        if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
            append ss($row,$col) "/  "
        } elseif {$ss($row,$col) == ""} continue
        $tag config -state disabled
    set state(locked) 1
    set state(undo) {}
    set w [focus -lastfor .]
    if {[winfo exists $w] && [$w cget -state] != "normal"} {
        event generate $w <Tab>
 # Unlock -- unlocks (by enabling) all cells
 proc Unlock {} {
    global ss state

    foreach {row col} $state(cells) {
        set tag ".e$row,$col"
        $tag config -state normal

        if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {
            regsub {/.*} $ss($row,$col) {} ss($row,$col)
    set state(locked) 0
 # Erase -- erases either all non-locked cells, or all cells
 proc Erase {all} {
    if {! $all && $::state(locked) == 0} return

    set undo {}
    foreach {row col} $::state(cells) {
        set tag ".e$row,$col"
        if {$all || [$tag cget -state] == "normal"} {
            set was [$tag get]
            lappend undo $tag "$row,$col" $was
            set ::ss($row,$col) ""
    lappend ::state(undo) $undo
    if {$all} Unlock
    focus .e1,0
 # SumRows -- the workhorse of our program. Sums up each row and
 # updates the running total (deficit actually) and does cell
 # configuring for bad, good and forced cells.
 proc SumRows {} {
    global rows ss state

    if {$::state(locked) == 0} return

    foreach {row col} $state(cells) {           ;# Put all cells back to white
        set tag ".e$row,$col"
        if {[$tag cget -state] == "normal"} { $tag config -bg white }

    set state(forced) {}
    foreach scell [array names rows] {          ;# Loop on each row/col/diagonal
        .e$scell config -disabledbackground cyan;# Erase any red or green bg

        set n [regexp {\s*([0-9]+)/?} $ss($scell) => max]
        if {! $n} continue
        set sum 0
        set missing {}
        foreach cell $rows($scell) {            ;# Each cell in row/col/diag
            set val $ss($cell)
            if {[string is integer -strict $val]} {
                set sum [expr {$sum + $val}]
            } else {
                lappend missing $cell
        # Show running deficit
        set ss($scell) [format "%2d/%2d" $max [expr {$max - $sum}]]

        # Figure out bad, good or forced cells stuff
        set num [llength $missing]
        if {$num == 0 && $sum == $max} {
            .e$scell config -disabledbackground green
        } elseif {$num == 0 || $sum > $max} {
            .e$scell config -disabledbackground red
        } else {
            set delta [expr {1.0 * ($max - $sum) / $num}]
            if {$delta < 1 || $delta > 9} {
                .e$scell config -disabledbackground red
            } elseif {$num == 1 || $delta == 1.0 || $delta == 9.0} {
                foreach who $missing {
                    lappend state(forced) $who [expr {int($delta)}]
                    set tag ".e$who"
                    $tag config -bg yellow
 # DoForced -- fills in the values for all forced cells
 proc DoForced {} {
    global state ss
    set undo {}

    SumRows                                     ;# Refresh forced info
    if {[llength $state(forced)] == 0} return
    foreach {cell val} $state(forced) {
        if {[info exists done($cell)]} continue
        lappend undo ".e$cell" $cell $ss($cell)
        set ss($cell) $val
        set done($cell) $val
    lappend state(undo) $undo
 proc Homer {{end 0}} {
 # MyKey -- handles all keystrokes for each cell
 proc MyKey {w char sym} {
    regexp {([0-9]),([0-9])} $w who row col
    set before [$w get]                         ;# For undo info

    switch -- $sym {
        "Tab" { return -code continue }
        "asterisk" { Undo }
        z { if {$char == "\x1A"} Undo }
        "space" { $w delete 0 end }
        "BackSpace" - "Delete" {
            set pos [$w index insert]
            $w delete [incr pos -1] end
        "Home" - "End" {
            if {$sym == "End"} {set event <Shift-Tab>} {set event <Tab>}
            focus .e0,4 ; event generate .e0,4 $event
        "Up" - "Down" - "Left" - "Right" {
            foreach {drow dcol} $::move($sym) break
            while {1} {
                incr row $drow ; incr col $dcol
                set ww ".e$row,$col"
                if {! [winfo exists $ww]} {return -code break}
                if {[$ww cget -state] != "normal"} continue
                focus $ww
        default {
            if {! [string is integer -strict $char]} { return -code break }
            if {$row == 5 || $col == 4} {               ;# Sum cells
                set val [$w get]
                if {$val != ""} {
                    set char [expr {(($val * 10) + $char) % 100}]
            } elseif {$char == "0"} {
                set char ""
            $w delete 0 end
            $w insert 0 $char
            #$w selection range 0 end
            $w icursor end
            if {$row < 5 && $col < 4} {
                event generate $w <Tab>         ;# Move to next cell
    set now [$w get]
    if {$before != $now} {lappend ::state(undo) [list $w $who $before]}
    return -code break
 # Undo -- Undoes the last operation
 proc Undo {} {
    global state ss

    # Pop off the event to undo
    set item [lindex $state(undo) end]
    set state(undo) [lrange $state(undo) 0 end-1]

    foreach {w who was} $item {
        set ss($who) $was
        focus $w

 proc Help {} {
    catch {destroy .help}
    toplevel .help
    wm title .help "TkChallenger Help"
    wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

    text .help.t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 27
    .help.t config -padx 10 -pady 10
    button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}

    pack .help.t -side top -expand 1 -fill both
    pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -expand 1 -pady 10

    set bold "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    .help.t tag configure title -justify center -foreground red \
        -font "Times 20 bold"
    .help.t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
    .help.t tag configure bullet -font $bold
    .help.t tag configure bn -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 15
    .help.t tag configure bn2 -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 20

    .help.t insert end "TkChallenger\n" title
    .help.t insert end "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

    set m "This program helps you solve the Challenger puzzles that you often "
    append m "see in the daily paper. I wrote this program because I'm "
    append m "horrible at solving these puzzles--this helps but I'm still bad."
    .help.t insert end $m n \n\n

    .help.t insert end "How to Play" bullet \n
    set m "Fill in each square with a number, 1-9. "
    append m "Horizontal square should add to the total on "
    append m "the right, vertical squares to the number on the "
    append m "bottom and the main diagonals to the number in "
    append m "the upper and lower right."
    .help.t insert end $m bn \n\n

    .help.t insert end "What the Different Colored Squares Mean" bullet \n
    set m "- Cyan squares show the value each row or column must add up "
    append m "to along with the amount still needed to reach that value.\n"
    append m "- Light blue squares are playing squares with known values.\n"
    append m "- Green squares show when a row or column is correct.\n"
    append m "- Red squares show when a row or column is in an illegal state.\n"
    append m "- Yellow squares show squares for which the value is forced."
    .help.t insert end $m bn2 \n\n

    .help.t insert end "Built in Puzzles" bullet \n
    set m "TkChallenger comes with about half-a-dozen built in puzzles, "
    append m "but is really designed for you to create your own. "
    append m "Unlocking the puzzle allows you to enter values into "
    append m "any square. Once you've entered the puzzle, lock it and "
    append m "solve away."
    .help.t insert end $m bn \n\n

    .help.t config -state disabled
 PickPuzzle 8

Category Games