Version 3 of TkOverload

Updated 2002-10-21 17:04:09

Keith Vetter 2002-10-18 - I was surfing the net and came across a shareware game from Astatix called Overload that looked a bit interesting to play. However, that game has a very annoying nag screen. So I decided to write my own version.

See the help screen for full playing rules, but the idea is that each player alternate turns placing pieces on a 6x6 board. Once a square has four pieces in it, it explodes and scatters the pieces north, south, east and west, taking over any opponent pieces. If the scattered pieces causes a square to contain four or more pieces, it too will explode. Such chain reactions are an integral part of the game and make the position very volatile.

 package require Tk

 proc Init {} {
    array set ::S {sz 40
        rows 6
        cols 6
        turn 1
        color,1 Red
        color,-1 Blue
        anim 60
        turn,1 "Red Player's turn"
        turn,-1 "Blue Player's turn"
        won 0}
 proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S
    wm title . "TkOverload"

    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            set w ".c$row,$col"
            canvas $w -width $S(sz) -height $S(sz) -bd 2 -relief raised
            $w config -highlightthickness 0
            bind $w <ButtonRelease-1> [list ButtonUp %W %X %Y $row $col]
            bind $w <Configure> {ReCenter %W %h %w}
            grid $w -row $row -column $col -sticky news
        grid rowconfigure    . $row -weight 1
        grid columnconfigure . $row -weight 1
    label .msg -relief ridge -textvariable S(msg)
    grid .msg -columnspan $S(cols) -sticky ew
 proc ReCenter {W h w} {                         ;# Called by configure event
    set h [expr {$h / 2.0}]
    set w [expr {$w / 2.0}]
    $W config -scrollregion [list -$w -$h $w $h];# Recenter everything
    if {[regexp {^.c(\d+),(\d+)$} $W -> r c]} { DoCircle $r $c } ;# Resize
 proc NewBoard {} {
    global B S
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            set B($row,$col) 0
    set B(0,0) 1                                ;# Player 1's piece
    set B([expr {$S(rows)-1}],[expr {$S(cols)-1}]) -1 ;# Player 2's piece
    set S(turn) 1
    set S(won) 0                                ;# Game not over yet
 proc ShowBoard {} {
    global S
    for {set row 0} {$row < $S(rows)} {incr row} {
        for {set col 0} {$col < $S(cols)} {incr col} {
            DoCircle $row $col
    set S(msg) $S(turn,$S(turn))
 proc DoCircle {row col} {
    global B S

    set w ".c$row,$col"
    $w delete all
    $w config -relief raised
    set size [expr {abs($B($row,$col))}]
    if {$size == 0} return

    set width  [winfo width  $w]
    set height [winfo height $w]
    set min [expr {$width < $height ? $width : $height}]

    set r [expr {$min / 6}]                     ;# Radius of circle
    set r4 [expr {($min / 4) - 2}]              ;# Position of circle
    set fill $S(color,[expr {$B($row,$col) / $size}])

    if {$size == 1} {
        $w create oval -$r -$r $r $r -fill $fill -outline {}
    } elseif {$size == 2} {
        $w create oval [MakeBox -$r4 0 $r] -fill $fill -outline {}
        $w create oval [MakeBox  $r4 0 $r] -fill $fill -outline {}
    } else {
        $w create oval [MakeBox -$r4 $r $r] -fill $fill -outline {}
        $w create oval [MakeBox  $r4 $r $r] -fill $fill -outline {}
        $w create oval [MakeBox  0  -$r $r] -fill $fill -outline {}
    $w config -relief sunken

 proc MakeBox {x y r} {
    return [list [expr {$x-$r}] [expr {$y-$r}] [expr {$x+$r}] [expr {$y+$r}]]
 proc AddOne {row col} {
    global S B

    if {abs([incr B($row,$col) $S(turn)]) == 4} {
        DoExplode $row $col
    } else {
        DoCircle $row $col
 proc DoExplode {row col} {
    global S B

    set B($row,$col) 0                          ;# Exploding cell is empty
    DoCircle $row $col                          ;# Erase it
    foreach {dr dc} {-1 0  1 0  0 -1 0 1} {
        set r [expr {$row + $dr}] 
        set c [expr {$col + $dc}]
        if {$r < 0 || $r >= $S(rows) || $c < 0 || $c >= $S(cols)} continue
        set B($r,$c) [expr {$S(turn) * abs($B($r,$c))}] ;# Take ownership
        AddOne $r $c                            ;# Add another piece
 proc AnimateBox {row col} {
    set w ".c$row,$col"
    $w config -relief sunken
    set width  [winfo width  $w] ; set height [winfo height $w]
    set min [expr {($width < $height ? $width : $height)/2}]
    for {set r 2} {$r < $min} {incr r 2} {
        set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
        $w create rect -$r -$r $r $r -tag box
        AnimDelay $::S(anim) $start
 proc AnimDelay {total start} {
    update idletasks
    set remaining [expr {$total - ([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $start)}]
    if {$remaining > 0} { after $remaining }
 proc WinOrLose {} {
    global B S
    array set cnt {-1 0 1 0}
    foreach {arg value} [array get B] {
        if {$value < 0} {incr cnt(-1)}
        if {$value > 0} {incr cnt(1)}
    if {$cnt(-1) == 0} {
        set S(msg) "$S(color,1) Player won"
    } elseif {$cnt(1) == 0} {
        set S(msg) "$S(color,-1) Player won"
    } else return
    set S(won) 1
 proc ButtonUp {w X Y row col} {
    global S B
    if {$S(won)} return                         ;# Game already over
    if {$w != [winfo containing $X $Y]} return  ;# Mouse moved out of cell
    if {$B($row,$col) < 0 && $S(turn) > 0} return ;# Oppenent's cell
    if {$B($row,$col) > 0 && $S(turn) < 0} return

    AnimateBox $row $col                        ;# Pretty animation
    AddOne $row $col                            ;# Do the actual move
    set S(turn) [expr {-$S(turn)}]
    set S(msg) $S(turn,$S(turn))
 proc DoMenus {} {
    . configure -menu [menu .m -tearoff 0]
    .m add cascade -menu [menu -tearoff 0] -label "Game" -underline 0
    .m add cascade -menu [menu -tearoff 0] -label "Help" -underline 0 add command -label "New Game" -under 0 -command NewBoard add separator add command -label Exit -under 0 -command exit add command -label Help  -under 0 -command Help
 proc Help {} {
    catch {destroy .help}
    toplevel .help
    wm title .help "TkOverload Help"
    wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

    text .help.t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 23 \
        -padx 10 -pady 10 -cursor {} -yscrollcommand { set}
    scrollbar -orient vertical -command {.help.t yview}
    button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}
    pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -pady 10
    pack -side right -fill y
    pack .help.t -side top -expand 1 -fill both

    set bold "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    set italic "[font actual [.help.t cget -font]] -slant italic"
    .help.t tag config title -justify center -foregr red -font "Times 20 bold"
    .help.t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
    .help.t tag configure bullet -font $bold
    .help.t tag configure n -lmargin1 15 -lmargin2 15
    .help.t tag configure ital -font $italic

    .help.t insert end "TkOverload\n" title
    .help.t insert end "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

    set m "TkOverload is a logic game for two people based on the game by "
    append m "Overload by Astatix (see "
    append m "That games is shareware with a really annoying nag screen, so I "
    append m "decided to write my own version. "
    append m "The object is to capture all your opponents pieces.\n\n"
    .help.t insert end "Overview\n" bullet $m n

    set m "Each player alternate turns by clicking on either an empty cell or "
    append m "a cell already containing his pieces. Each click increases the "
    append m "number of pieces in the cell. When the number of pieces "
    append m "reaches four, the cell "
    .help.t insert end "How to Play\n" bullet $m n explodes.\n\n ital

    set m "When the number of pieces in the cell reaches four, it explodes, "
    append m "scattering the four pieces north, south, east and west. "
    append m "Those four cells immediately change ownership to the current "
    append m "player, and, if the addition of the piece causes a "
    append m "cell to have four pieces, it too will explode. "
    append m "Such chain reactions are a major part of the game, "
    append m "and can cause the momentum in the game to change quickly."
    .help.t insert end "Exploding Cells\n" bullet $m n 
    .help.t config -state disabled


Category Games - Tcl/Tk games - Category Application