Version 2 of Tkinspect

Updated 2002-03-13 16:33:53

Purpose: to discuss this Tk introspection tool

Tkinspect [L1 ] has quite a history in the Tcl/Tk environment. Created by Sam Shen, tkinspect provides the ability to examine and modify the procs and variables of any Tcl/Tk application with a working "send" command.

Later, Sam moved on and a few other people have since made modifications. John Robert LoVerso [L2 ] modified tkinspect so that it used comm instead of send. This allowed one to run tkinspect under any operating system which supports sockets.

Paul Healy then wrote a patch so that tkinspect knows about Tcl 8 namespaces [L3 ].

Tako Schotanus wrote a patch for TkInspect so it worked with incr Tcl [L4 ].

Tkinspect is currently in need of an adoptive parent who could integrate the various fixes and modifications into a great tool.

PT writes: I've created (locally) a CVS repository with tkinspect-5 and the above patches applied. The incr Tcl patch need some work to update with otherwise I have it working nicely on unix and windows using current tcllib comm or send for Tcl 8.3+.

Where would we like to keep and maintain this? It could be added to the tcllib project on sourceforge as another toplevel item without much pain.

Once I've updated it for ictl (or once someone provides a patch :) ) I think it would be worth creating a file release which would make it rather simpler to start using for most people.