Version 3 of TrackerWidget

Updated 2008-05-14 15:42:37 by FF

FF 2007-05-26 - This widget has various uses. Check the Widget Hiding as opposed to Widget Overloading page for an overview.

Usage example:

 pack [tracker .t -rows 4 -cols 4 -colchars {8 1 1 1} -spacing 2 \
                  -background black -foreground green \
                  -backgroundsel blue \
                  -backgroundcur red -foregroundcur white]

 #!/usr/bin/env wish

 # TrackerWidget
 # written by Federico Ferri - 2007
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # Developer documntation - widget procs:
 # tracker {w args}
 #     widget constructor, calls tracker_init
 # tracker_callback {w command {args {}}}
 #     callback proc for dispatching commands
 # tracker_xy {x y {prefix xy}}
 #     generate tag index for individual cells by column/row
 #     $prefix default to xy (but text has xytxt prefix)
 # tracker_init {w}
 #     init: creates rectangles on the canvas
 # tracker_move {w dx dy}
 #     move cursor relative to current position, by $dx,$dy
 # tracker_setdata {w row col d}
 #     set data to cell specified by $row,$col
 #     data is kept in $tracker_struct($w:data:$col,$row)
 # tracker_getdata {w row col {d {}}}
 #     read data
 #     returns $d if data doesn0t exists
 # tracker_copy {w}
 #     copy selected area to clipboard
 # tracker_delete {w}
 #     delete selected area
 # tracker_cut {w}
 #     combination of copy & delete
 # tracker_paste {w}
 #     paste data from clipboard, starting at current cursor position
 # tracker_bindcell {w row col tag}
 #     this gets called internally, when a text is added to canvas
 # tracker_keypress {w ks st}
 #     very first keypress handler; it calls tracker_inputdata
 # tracker_inputdata {w col row keysym state}
 #     this handles multi-character input for one cell
 #     you can hook up your favorite input method instead of this proc
 # tracker_moveabs {w mx my}
 #     move cursor to absolute position specified by $mx,$my
 # tracker_col_from_x {w x}
 #     map x coordinate to column number
 # tracker_row_from_y {w y}
 #     map y coordinate to row number
 # tracker_col_to_x {w col}
 #     map column number to x coordinate
 # tracker_row_to_y {w row}
 #     map row number to y coordinate
 # tracker_extendsel {w _x _y}
 #     called while dragging mouse for selecting areas
 # tracker_deselect {w}
 #     (visually) clear selection
 # tracker_focus {w}
 #     take keyboard focus

 package require Tk

 proc tracker {w args} {
        global tracker_struct

        # set default options
        set tracker_struct($w:-rows) 16
        set tracker_struct($w:-cols) 6
        set tracker_struct($w:-colchars) [list]
        set tracker_struct($w:-spacing) 4
        set tracker_struct($w:-background) ""
        set tracker_struct($w:-foreground) "black"
        set tracker_struct($w:-backgroundsel) "yellow"
        set tracker_struct($w:-foregroundcur) "white"
        set tracker_struct($w:-backgroundcur) "black"

        # parse options
        set valid_opts {-spacing -rows -cols -background -foreground
              -backgroundsel -backgroundcur -foregroundcur -colchars}
        foreach {opt val} $args {
                if {[lsearch -exact $valid_opts $opt] == -1} {
                        return -code error -errorinfo \
                                "tracker($w): unknown option: $opt"
                } else {
                        set tracker_struct($w:$opt) $val
        # col chars other than 1?
        if {[llength $tracker_struct($w:-colchars)] == 0} {
                lappend tracker_struct($w:-colchars) 1
        set cclen [llength $tracker_struct($w:-colchars)]
        for {set i $cclen} {$i < $tracker_struct($w:-cols)} {incr i} {
                lappend tracker_struct($w:-colchars) \
                 [lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) [expr {$i%$cclen}]]
        set tracker_struct($w:font) \
         [font create -family Courier -size 10 \
         -weight bold -slant roman -underline false -overstrike false]
        set tracker_struct($w:font:-ascent) [font metrics $tracker_struct($w:font) -ascent]
        set tracker_struct($w:font:-descent) [font metrics $tracker_struct($w:font) -descent]
        set tracker_struct($w:font:-linespace) [font metrics $tracker_struct($w:font) -linespace]
        set tracker_struct($w:font:-width) [font measure $tracker_struct($w:font) m]
        set tracker_struct($w:-charwidth) $tracker_struct($w:font:-width)
        set tracker_struct($w:-charheight) $tracker_struct($w:font:-linespace)
        set tracker_struct($w:-width) [expr {$tracker_struct($w:-cols)*\
        set tracker_struct($w:-height) [expr {$tracker_struct($w:-rows)*\
        set c [canvas $w \
                -width      [expr {[tracker_col_to_x $w $tracker_struct($w:-cols)]-1}]\
                -height     [expr {[tracker_row_to_y $w $tracker_struct($w:-rows)]-1}]\
                -takefocus  1]
        rename $c ${w}_canvas
        set tracker_struct($w:canvas) ${w}_canvas
        set tracker_struct($w:window) $w

        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) 0
        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) 0

        set tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x) 0
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y) 0
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x) 0
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y) 0

        set tracker_struct($w:internal:subcol) 0

        # setup callback proc
        proc $w args "return \[eval tracker_callback $w \$args\]"

        if [tracker_init $w] {
                return $c
        } else {
                return -code error -errorinfo \
                        "tracker($w): init failed"

 proc tracker_callback {w command {args {}}} {
        # dispatch command, if it exists
        global tracker_struct
        if {[llength [info procs tracker_$command]] > 0} {
                return [eval tracker_$command $w $args]
        } else {
                return -code error -errorinfo \
                        "tracker($w): no such command: $command"

 proc tracker_xy {x y {prefix xy}} {
        # make an xy tag index
        return "${prefix}_${x}_${y}"

 proc tracker_init {w} {
        # initialize tracker, canvas items
        global tracker_struct
        set rh $tracker_struct($w:-charheight)
        set rx 1
        for {set x 0} {$x < $tracker_struct($w:-cols)} {incr x} {
                set rw [expr {$tracker_struct($w:-charwidth)*[lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) $x]}]
                set ry 1
                for {set y 0} {$y < $tracker_struct($w:-rows)} {incr y} {
                        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) create rectangle \
                                $rx $ry [expr {$rx+$rw}] [expr {$ry+$rh}] \
                                -fill $tracker_struct($w:-background) \
                                -outline {} \
                                -tags [list bg [tracker_xy $x $y]]
                        tracker_bindcell $w $y $x [tracker_xy $x $y]
                        incr ry [expr {$rh+$tracker_struct($w:-spacing)}]
                incr rx [expr {$rw+$tracker_struct($w:-spacing)}]
        bind $tracker_struct($w:window) <KeyPress> "tracker_keypress $w %K %s"
        bind $tracker_struct($w:window) <ButtonPress-1> "focus $w"
        tracker_move $w 0 0
        return 1

 proc tracker_move {w dx dy} {
        # move cursor by relative amount dx dy, wrap if needed
        global tracker_struct
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure bg -fill {}
        incr tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $dx
        incr tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) $dy
        if {$tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) < 0} {
                incr tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $tracker_struct($w:-cols)
        if {$tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) < 0} {
                incr tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) $tracker_struct($w:-rows)
        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) \
         [expr {$tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) %$tracker_struct($w:-cols)}]
        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) \
         [expr {$tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) %$tracker_struct($w:-rows)}]
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure bg -fill $tracker_struct($w:-background)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure txt -fill $tracker_struct($w:-foreground)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure \
         [tracker_xy $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y)] \
         -fill $tracker_struct($w:-backgroundcur)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure \
         [tracker_xy $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) xytxt] \
         -fill $tracker_struct($w:-foregroundcur)
        tracker_deselect $w
        set tracker_struct($w:internal:subcol) 0

 proc tracker_setdata {w row col d} {
        # change data at specified position
        global tracker_struct
        set coords [$tracker_struct($w:canvas) coords [tracker_xy $col $row]]
        set tag [tracker_xy $col $row xytxt]
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) delete $tag
        set x [expr {[lindex $coords 0]}]
        set y [expr {[lindex $coords 1]}]
        set tracker_struct($w:data:$col,$row) \
         [string range $d 0 [expr {[lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) $col]-1}]]
        if {$row == $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) && $col == $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x)} {
                set fill $tracker_struct($w:-foregroundcur)
        } else {
                set fill $tracker_struct($w:-foreground)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) create text $x $y -tags [list $tag txt] \
         -text $tracker_struct($w:data:$col,$row) -font $tracker_struct($w:font) \
         -fill $fill -anchor nw
        tracker_bindcell $w $row $col $tag

 proc tracker_getdata {w row col {d {}}} {
        # get data at specified position
        global tracker_struct
        set r $d
        catch {set r $tracker_struct($w:data:$col,$row)}
        return $r

 proc tracker_copy {w} {
        # perform a copy of selected area
        global tracker_struct
        for {set ty $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y); set by 0} \
         {$ty < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y)} {incr ty; incr by} {
                for {set tx $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x); set bx 0} \
                 {$tx < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x)} {incr tx; incr bx} {
                        catch {
                                set tracker_struct($w:copybuf:$bx,$by) \
        set tracker_struct($w:copybuf:w) $bx
        set tracker_struct($w:copybuf:h) $by

 proc tracker_delete {w} {
        # delete selected area
        global tracker_struct
        for {set ty $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y)} \
         {$ty < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y)} {incr ty} {
                for {set tx $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x)} \
                 {$tx < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x)} {incr tx} {
                        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) delete [tracker_xy $tx $ty xytxt]
                        unset tracker_struct($w:data:$tx,$ty)

 proc tracker_cut {w} {
        # perform a cut (that is: copy & delete)
        tracker_copy $w
        tracker_delete $w

 proc tracker_paste {w} {
        # paste data from copybuf to current position
        global tracker_struct
        set py $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y)
        for {set by 0} {$by < $tracker_struct($w:copybuf:h)} {incr by; incr py} {
                set px $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x)
                for {set bx 0} {$bx < $tracker_struct($w:copybuf:w)} {incr bx; incr px} {
                        catch {
                                tracker_setdata $w $py $px $tracker_struct($w:copybuf:$bx,$by)
        tracker_move $w 0 0

 proc tracker_bindcell {w row col tag} {
        # re-bind events to specific cell
        global tracker_struct
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) bind $tag <ButtonPress-1> "tracker_moveabs $w $col $row"
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) bind $tag <B1-Motion> "tracker_extendsel $w %x %y"

 proc tracker_keypress {w ks st} {
        # handle global (canvas) keypress (from event)
        global tracker_struct
        switch $ks {
                Left {tracker_move $w -1 0; return}
                Right {tracker_move $w 1 0; return}
                Up {tracker_move $w 0 -1; return}
                Down {tracker_move $w 0 1; return}
        if {[expr {$st&0x4}] > 0} {
                switch $ks {
                        c {tracker_copy $w; return}
                        x {tracker_cut $w; return}
                        v {tracker_paste $w; return}
        if {[regexp -nocase -- {^[0123456789abcdef]$} $ks]} {
                set ret [tracker_inputdata $w \
                 $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) $ks $st]
                return $ret

 proc tracker_inputdata {w col row keysym state} {
        # keypresses relate to data input are sent here (from tracker_keypress)
        # here is handled multi-digit cell input
        # you can override with your own input method
        global tracker_struct
        set colch  [lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) $col]
        set subcol $tracker_struct($w:internal:subcol)
        set default [string repeat 0 $colch]
        set nd [lreplace [lrange \
         [split [tracker_getdata $w $row $col $default] {}] \
         0 [expr {$colch-1}]\
         ] $subcol $subcol $keysym]
        set nd [join $nd {}]
        tracker_setdata $w $row $col $nd
        incr tracker_struct($w:internal:subcol)
        if {$tracker_struct($w:internal:subcol) >= $colch} {
                tracker_move $w 0 1

 proc tracker_moveabs {w mx my} {
        # move cursor to absolute position
        global tracker_struct
        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $mx
        set tracker_struct($w:cursor:y) $my
        tracker_move $w 0 0
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x) $mx
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y) $my
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x) $mx
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y) $my
        tracker_deselect $w

 proc tracker_col_from_x {w x} {
        global tracker_struct
        set curcol 0
        set xlim 0
        while {$curcol < $tracker_struct($w:-cols)} {
                incr xlim [expr {($tracker_struct($w:-charwidth)+$tracker_struct($w:-spacing))*\
                 [lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) $curcol]}]
                incr curcol
                if {[expr {$x-$tracker_struct($w:-charwidth)/2}] < $xlim} {return $curcol}
        return -1

 proc tracker_row_from_y {w y} {
        global tracker_struct
        set currow 0
        set ylim 0
        while {$currow < $tracker_struct($w:-rows)} {
                incr ylim [expr {($tracker_struct($w:-charheight)+$tracker_struct($w:-spacing))}]
                incr currow
                if {[expr {$y-$tracker_struct($w:-charheight)/2}] < $ylim} {return $currow}
        return -1

 proc tracker_col_to_x {w col} {
        global tracker_struct
        set x 0
        set li 0
        while {$col >= 0} {
                incr x [expr {($tracker_struct($w:-charwidth)*\
                 [lindex $tracker_struct($w:-colchars) $li])+\
                incr li
                if {$li >= [llength $tracker_struct($w:-colchars)]} {
                        return $x
        return $x

 proc tracker_row_to_y {w row} {
        global tracker_struct
        return [expr {$row*($tracker_struct($w:-charheight)+$tracker_struct($w:-spacing))}]

 proc tracker_extendsel {w _x _y} {
        # extend selection to specified position (from event)
        global tracker_struct
        set mx [tracker_col_from_x $w $_x]
        set my [tracker_row_from_y $w $_y]
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x) $mx
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y) $my
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) dtag sel
        for {set ty $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y)} {$ty < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y)} {incr ty} {
                for {set tx $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x)} {$tx < $tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x)} {incr tx} {
                        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) addtag sel withtag [tracker_xy $tx $ty]
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure bg -fill $tracker_struct($w:-background)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure sel -fill $tracker_struct($w:-backgroundsel)
        $tracker_struct($w:canvas) itemconfigure \
         [tracker_xy $tracker_struct($w:cursor:x) $tracker_struct($w:cursor:y)] \
         -fill $tracker_struct($w:-backgroundcur)

 proc tracker_deselect {w} {
        # clears current selection
        global tracker_struct
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:x) $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:x)
        set tracker_struct($w:sel:stop:y) $tracker_struct($w:sel:start:y)

 proc tracker_focus {w} {
        # take focus (by a click, from event)
        focus $w

[ Category Widget ]