Version 7 of Transparent OO for Tcl

Updated 2004-05-27 07:08:10 by NEM

NEM 26 May 2004 - Here's a little experiment I've been doing with unifying Tcl's traditional first-class transparent values (like string, lists and dicts), with the handle-based OO types. I call this package TOOT. Using class-is-command-name prefix, and auto-expansion of leading word, it is possible to achieve quite an amazing degree of unification between the two ideas. This allows for use of two different syntaxes:

  • Normal Tcl syntax, using ensembles, e.g. [List length $item]
  • OO syntax with polymorphic method dispatch, e.g. [$item length]

Due to supporting both types, and having a transparent string rep, you can have the advantages of OO (encapsulation, polymorphic method dispatch, inheritance etc) and the advantages of Tcl's built-in transparent types (natural serialisation, everything is a string, "type" defined by usage, etc). Note, that you can still define handle types using this scheme (for instance, classes themselves are a handle type).

Note that another advantage of the toot package is that (in most cases) "instances" of a class are real, first-class transparent values, and so benefit from Tcl's automatic garbage collection.

You can do also explicit converting of type (i.e. casting) using the syntax [$type | $value], e.g.:

 set l [::List create a b c d]
 set d [::Dict | $l]

Type-checking is done in a lazy manner at present - the cast will always succeed, but subsequent operations may fail if the string rep doesn't match what that type requires. Note that in most uses, you shouldn't have to do explicit type conversions. Also note, that most operations have no side-effects: values are immutable, making this an object-functional extension by default. You can create mutable values by creating a handle type (just make the string rep a name, by overriding the "create" method).

This has some interesting connections to Feather's interfaces, which I haven't fully explored yet, but will do, to see what the implications are. I think they could work quite well together.

Anyway, here's some simple first-stab at the code. It's pretty poor as a framework currently, and inefficient (most uses involve multiple command lookups, and relies on an ::unknown handler for auto-expansion of leading word). I intend to remedy these defects, and build this up into a powerful OO system over time. This code is just here as a proof-of-concept to show the basic idea.

This idea came to me at about 4am last night - I went to bed thinking about Tcl's value semantics, and the prefix/auto-expand approach taken by TIP 194 [L1 ] (anonymous procs as apply command prefix) and just suddenly woke up in the middle of the night with a "Eureka!" moment. I'd be very interested in feedback, as I think this could be quite a powerful new approach to building code in Tcl.


  • Rewrite to make handling packing-unpacking of values simpler.
  • Define everything a bit better, so most functionality is in an object class at the base of the class hierachy.
  • Implement inheritance.
  • Steal as many interesting features from XOTcl as possible :-)
  • Try and make it rely on less tricks, to improve performance (may need Tcl 9 with new features).

Please remember this is only a proof-of-concept. I know there are serious limitations with the implementation given below, but the idea basically works, I think.

 # toot.tcl --
 #   TOOT - Transparent OO for Tcl. This package implements a simple
 #   object oriented programming environment, where all values are fully
 #   transparent. This is an experiment in how well the worlds of Tcl's
 #   transparent values, and OO design, traditionally implemented using handle
 #   types, can be combined. The design presented here is a functional view of
 #   objects, in that procedures/methods which update a value return the new
 #   value. All values are represented as a tagged list of length three:
 #   {$type | $value}
 #   The "|" is some sugar, which also helps to disambiguate method calls from
 #   construction cases. I was going to use ":", but that interacts badly with
 #   Tcl's namespace separator.
 #   Classes in the system are namespaces which form ensembles. You can use
 #   either an OO syntax or a functional syntax when accessing values. When
 #   using the OO syntax [$value method args], type is preserved. When using
 #   the functional syntax [type method $value $args], the value will
 #   automatically be converted to the correct type, in the usual Tcl way (the
 #   original value will not change type however). The type command also serves
 #   as a type-conversion copy-constructor, which means that you can explicitly
 #   create a copy of a value and change it's type. E.g. to get a list object
 #   from a dict object, you could do:
 #   set l [List | $dict]
 #   Most of the time, this will be unnecessary. This also has the added
 #   benefit of transparent serialisation - values can be written to a file and
 #   read in at a later date, and will just work (assuming the correct type is
 #   still available). Requires auto-expansion of leading word to work
 #   correctly, and currently achieves this through a global unknown handler.
 #   If TIP 181 passes, then this could be done on a per-namespace basis.
 #   Auto-expansion as a core feature for Tcl-9 would rock!
 # Copyright (c) 2004, Neil Madden.
 # License: Tcl/BSD style.

 package provide toot 0.1

 namespace eval toot {
     namespace export class extract method

 # Helper for extracting real value
 proc toot::extract {value} {
     return [lindex $value 2]

 # Helper for creating procs which do the right thing
 proc toot::method {name arglist body} {
     set arglist [linsert $arglist 0 self]
     uplevel 1 [list proc $name $arglist $body]

 # Class is itself a class.
 namespace eval toot::class { }

 proc toot::class {cmd args} {
     uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::toot::class::$cmd]

 proc toot::class::| {self args} {
     # Copy constructor/instance command
     if {[llength $args] == 0} {
         # Copy constructor
         return [list ::toot::class | [::toot::extract $self]]
     } else {
         # Redispatch - assume uplevel 1 is within correct namespace
         uplevel 1 [linsert $args 1 $self]

 # Real constructor
 proc toot::class::create {name body} {
     # Fully qualify the name
     if {![string match ::* $name]} {
         set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current]
         if {$ns eq "::"} { set ns "" }
         set name ${ns}::$name
     # Create the namespace
     uplevel 1 [list namespace eval $name $body]
     # Create dispatch method
     set body [string map [list %NAME% $name] {
         if {[llength $args] == 0} {
             return [list %NAME% | [::toot::extract $self]]
         } else {
             uplevel 1 [linsert $args 1 [list %NAME% | $self]]
     uplevel 1 [list proc ${name}::| {self args} $body]

     # Default constructor
     uplevel 1 [list proc ${name}::create {args} [string map [list %N $name] {
         return [list %N | $args]

     # Create the type-method
     uplevel 1 [list proc $name {args} [string map [list %NAME% $name] {
         uplevel 1 [list namespace eval %NAME% $args]

     return [list ::toot::class | [list $name]]

 # Install unknown handler for auto-expand
 if {[llength [info commands ::_toot_unknown]] == 0} {
     rename ::unknown ::_toot_unknown
     proc unknown {cmd args} {
         if {[llength $cmd] > 1} {
             uplevel 1 $cmd $args
         } else {
             uplevel 1 [linsert $args 0 ::_toot_unknown $cmd]

Some test code:

 # Test stuff
 proc test {} {
     namespace import toot::*
     class create List {
         method index {args} {
             return [::List create [eval [linsert $args 0 lindex \
                 [extract $self] $args]]]

         method length {} {
             return [::List create [llength [extract $self]]]

         method append {args} {
             set s [extract $self]
             return [::List create [eval lappend s $args]]

         method loop {varname body} {
             uplevel 1 [list ::foreach $varname [extract $self] $body]
     class create Dict {
         method get {key} {
             return [dict get [extract $self] $key]
         method set {args} {
             return [eval ::Dict create [eval [linsert $args 0 \
                 dict replace [extract $self]]]]
     # Now some tests
     set l [List create a b c d e f]
     puts "l = $l"
     # Loop
     $l loop item {
         puts "Item = $item"
     # Use dict method
     puts "a = [Dict get $l a]"
     # Convert to dict
     set d [Dict | $l]
     # Set a key
     set d [$d set a "Hello!"]
     # Loop as list
     List loop $d item {
         puts "item = $item"
     puts "d = $d"
     puts "l = $l"

26may04 jcw - Whoa, Neil, this is fascinating. I'll try to wrap my mind around it, especially in the context of a generic relational algebra system I've been working on, early stage is at [L2 ]. (eurein, Gr - to find!)

AM (27 may 2004) Just a few remarks:

  • How would I define and set "fields" for an object?
  • It seems to me that programming a specific method is a bit involved

Otherwise, well, I am simply amazed :) Together with GPS's object system this is really minimalistic!

NEM (27 May 2004) There are a couple of ways of setting "fields". The easiest way, if you want mutable objects, is to simply revert to a handle type:

 # a reference handle type
 class create Reference {

     variable ref

     method <- {val} {
         variable ref
         set ref([extract $self]) $val

     method -> {} {
          variable ref
          return $ref([extract $self])
 set a [Reference create foo]
 $a <- [List create a b c d e]
 $a <- [[$a ->] append f g h]
 puts [$a ->]

This example for instance, uses a per-class array and the data part of each object is used as an index into that array. You could easily make each instance a new namespace, as well. If you want fields in a fully transparent object, then you have to start programming in a more functional way:

 class create Person {
     method setName {name} {
          set d [dict replace [extract $self] name $name]
          return [list ::Person | $d]
     method getName {} {
          return [dict get [extract $self] name]
     method setAge {age} {
          set d [dict replace [extract $self] age $age]
          return [list ::Person | $d]
     method getAge {} {
          return [dict get [extract $self] age]
 set neil [Person create name "Neil Madden" age 23]
 set neil [$neil setAge 82]
 puts "[$neil getName] is [$neil getAge]!"

As you can see, in order for this style to work, any setter methods have to return a new instance - side-effect free objects.

As for the other point, yes programming methods is a little bit involved now, due to the need to pack and unpack the "actual" value from the wrapper. I'm trying to come up with a simpler way of doing this, where things happen automatically.

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