Version 3 of Using Pango Text Markup Language in Gnocl Widget Labels

Updated 2008-11-23 23:30:50 by wjg

WJG (23/11/08) One of the many enhanced formatting features of Gtk widgets is the use of the Pango for text formatting. Whilst this isn't a feature that the developer will want to use every label, it has its uses when colour or font effects are desirable. Here's a brief sample derived from a recent posting of Tk code taken from the Tcl newsgroup.

And here's to code to produce this:

 # the next line restarts using tclsh \
 exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

 package require Gnocl

 set etitle "Tcl/Tk 8.5"

 proc nullcmd {} {
   global type
   puts -nonewline "8.5 "
   puts $type

 #1) create buttons, format strings with markup code
 set lab [gnocl::label -text  {%<<span background = "springgreen2"><b>RADIOBUTTONS </b></span>} ]
 set rb1 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">serial       </span>} -variable type -onValue "serial"    -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb2 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">-non-Serial  </span>} -variable type -onValue "newnonser" -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb3 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">cross-Ref    </span>} -variable type -onValue "crossref"  -onToggled nullcmd]
 set rb4 [gnocl::radioButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">CODEN Only   </span>} -variable type -onValue "codenonly" -onToggled nullcmd]
 set cb1 [gnocl::checkButton -text {%<<span background = "palegreen1">CheckButton  </span>} ]

 #2) create container and add the buttons
 set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical]
 $box add [list $lab $rb1 $rb2 $rb3 $rb4 $cb1 ]

 #3) create toplevel and add the widgets in one drop
 set win [gnocl::window -title $etitle -child $box -onDelete {exit} ]

By way of comparison, here's a screengrab of the layout that the Tk code posted produced running on my Linux box, mmm...

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