Version 2 of Using Snit to glue diff, patch, and md5sum

Updated 2003-06-06 15:22:34

Created on 2003-06-06

Howdy y'all, its Rohan Pall here, and here is some code I use to glue diff, patch, and md5sum with Snit.

  puts "loading gunkata..."

  if {[namespace exists gunkata]} {namespace delete gunkata}
  namespace eval gunkata {

    namespace export *

    proc readb {fn} {
      set f [open $fn]
      fconfigure $f -translation binary
      set content [read $f]
      close $f
      return $content

    proc writeb {fn c} {
      set f [open $fn w]
      fconfigure $f -translation binary
      puts -nonewline $f $c
      close $f


  namespace import gunkata::*