Version 46 of Vim

Updated 2007-02-01 12:11:51

The Vim editor - "VI-Improved".

You can find Vim at and

  • Tcl embedded within Vim [L1 ] (This link didn't work for me, try [L2 ]).
  • Tags for Vi/ViM editing
  • google thread about using Tcl in Vim [L3 ]
  • Gvim - add Tk and you have a graphical version of Vim - comes in most *nix distros

MC 16 Jul 2003: This is probably old news to many, but I finally stumbled upon this little gem only this evening:

vim already does syntax highlighting for *.tcl files. For files without an extension, however, adding a comment in your code that says:

 # vim: syntax=tcl

causes vim to do the highlighting properly.

glennj This magic depends on two settings: (default values)

 set modeline modelines=5

vim will then look at the top 5 lines and the bottom 5 lines for these special comments. See

 :help modeline

Modelines are handy for "forcing" people to conform to particular vim settings. For example, if you like a 8 space indent using tabs, but you're editing someone else's code who likes 4 space indent and no tabs, then in order not to mess up that person's code, you'll want a modeline like (demonstrating the alternate modeline syntax)

 # vim: set shiftwidth=4 smarttab expandtab:

Configuring Vim to conform to the Tcl Style Guide


    set autoindent           " keep the previous line's indentation
    set cindent              " indent after line ending in {, and use 'cinwords'
                             " see also ':help c-indent'
    set shiftwidth=4

do not inadvertantly break a line

    set textwidth=0


    set comments=:#
    set formatoptions+=r      " Automatically insert the current comment leader
    set formatoptions+=q      " Allow formatting of comments with 'gq'

prevent the comment character from forcibly being inserted in column 1

    set cpoptions-=<          " allow '<keycode>' forms in mappings, e.g. <CR>
    inoremap # X<BS>#
    set cinkeys-=0#           " # in column 1 does not prevent >> from indenting
    set indentkeys-=0#

Version 6 of vim has a wonderful feature called folding, where blocks of text can be hidden as a single line until you have to enter them. However, I can't seem to get syntax-based automatic folding of procs. The obvious

    set foldmethod=syntax
    syntax region tclFunc start="^proc.*{$" end="^}" transparent fold

does nothing. Folding blocks works fine with

    syntax region tclBlock  start="{" end="}" transparent fold

but I don't really want to fold every block, I'd rather do it on the proc level. Any suggestions?

US The start regex interferes with "syntax keyword" in the tcl syntax file. Change the line

    syn keyword tclStatement        proc global return lindex


    syn keyword tclStatement        global return lindex
    syn match   tclStatement        "proc" contained

and add the (slightly extended) region rule

    syntax region tclFunc start="^\z(\s*\)proc.*{$" end="^\z1}$" transparent fold contains=ALL

Now it should (mostly) work. The "z" part of the start and end regex allows for arbitrary indentation of your proc definition.

There is (at least) one pathological file: I reaped the bitmap editor and tried the above folding rules on it. It works quite nice, but not for the procedure definitions of ClearBMP, NewBMP, NewDlg and BitFunc. I have no idea, why. Maybe someone else knows better.

NEM I just tried this out, and it doesn't seem to work very well at all. It seems to get the start of procs ok, but the end of the proc seems to be somewhat arbitrary. A couple of procs seem to be closed by a } but not the correct one (like the end of an if statement). One proc was actually closed after a button command, which was quite strange as it didn't contain any braces at all... I don't know Vim re syntax but (\s*\) looks suspicious to me (is the end paren escaped? if so, why?), and what does \z1 do? Presumably, it means the same amount of indenting as at the start of the proc?

AMucha vim folding with marker Use foldmethod marker:

First include in .vimrc:

   filetype plugin on

in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/ (in my linux box this is usr/share/vim/current/ftplugin/) edit file tcl.vim to look like:

 " This is file $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tcl.vim
 " Vim FileType plugin for Tcl/Tk-Files adding folding
 source $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/vim.vim
 :setlocal fmr=<-<,>-> fdm=marker cms=#%s
 " this sets the folding marks to <-< and >->
 function! MyFoldText()
    let line = getline(v:foldstart+1)
    let sub = substitute(line, '/\*\|\*/\|{{{\d\=', '', 'g')
    return v:folddashes . sub
 set foldtext=MyFoldText()
 " this shows the line after the foldmark as text
 map <F5> :call append(line(".")-1, "\# <-<" . (foldlevel(line(".")) + 1))
 map <F6> :call append(line("."), "\# >->")
 " maps to help insert foldmarks. Use: go to end of proc on } and press F6 % F5
 " ############################################
 " end of tcl.vim

If you are daring enough to use a proc with german comments you can add in the same file :

 function! Foldproc()
    :normal 1g
    let s:anz=0
    let W = "W"
    while search("proc\\>",W) > 0
        let s:startpos = line(".") - 1
        let s:anz = s:anz + 1
        "auf das zweite wort gehen (Argumente)
      " go to 2nd word (args)
        :normal WW
        "testen, ob das erste Zeichen der Argumente eine ist
      " test if the first char is a brace
        let startofargument =strpart(getline(line(".")), col(".") - 1 , 10)
        if  match(startofargument,"{") == 0
            "eine Argumentenliste
            if searchpair("{","","}",W,'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"') <= 0
                " keine schlie��ƒ��Ÿende klammer gefunden
                " die n��ƒ��¤chste proc probieren
            "ein einzelnes wort ; no ist a single word
        " wir stehen jetzt entweder am beginn eines wortes oder auf der
        " schlie��ƒ��Ÿenden klammer
      " we are at the beginning of a single word argument 
      " or at the closing brace of an argumentlist
        :normal W
        " Jetzt stehen wir auf der ��ƒ��¶ffnenden Klammer
      " this is the opening brace of the proc
        let startofargument =strpart(getline(line(".")), col(".") - 1 , 10)
        if  match(startofargument,"{") == 0
            " if searchpair("{","","}",W,'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"') <= 0
            if searchpair("{","","}",W,'') <= 0
                " das ende der Proc ist nicht gefunden
            " didn't find end of proc
      "insert foldmarks
        call append(s:startpos , "\# <-<1")
        call append(line("."), "\# >->1")

To call this proc to place foldmarks around all your procs type

 :call Foldproc()

 What: Vim
 Description: Vi clone which provides language syntax colorization (including
        Tcl), command line edit and recall, filename completion,
        split windows, mouse control, drag and drop, and other features.
        The vimconsole is a Tclsh shell that interacts with the
         Tcl support one can build into vim.
        Currently at version 6.0 .
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

dgonyier Can anybody say why VIM has a seperate syntax file for Expect and TCL? I would think it would make more sense for the latter to be a superset of the former...

AMG Although I love my vim to pieces, I am really disappointed in its Tcl highlighting (look in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/tcl.vim if you want to read along or fix stuff). The problem is that vim's syntax system highlights based soley on keywords, regexp matchs, and regexp start-end regions. I've tried and failed to describe the Tcl language using these primitives, which work soooo well for languages like C but maybe don't apply wholly to Tcl. Maybe someone can give me a hand...?

For this vim misbehaves in four degrees [L4 ].

For first: proc, global, return, lindex, set, and so on are mostly "tclStatement" keywords. But we all know they're not really keywords, since they only have meaning when they appear as the first word of a line of Tcl script. So when I type "set set set" I wind up with all three instances of the word colored yellow, which is exceedingly ugly to me. This is why I don't name my variables "list".

For secondly: expr, namespace, string, array, etc., that is, many things with special syntax (use of math functions), subcommands (like "namespace children"), and/or or common switches ("pack -in"), are match regions beginning with the command name and ending with ] or end-of-line (regardless of \, due to a bug) or [...] (but not semicolon). The function names and subcommands and switches (sans -) are all considered keywords contained in the appropriate match region. But I find that mostly this screws up everything else I try to type on the line, and it's really annoying to have switches colored brown on the first line and white on the remaining because the match region ended prematurely.

For thirdly: text, message, entry, and other Tk commands are match regions containing keywords, like above, but they have names I very often want to use for variables. Since the match region starts anywhere "text" or whatever appears, I get a lot of mangled highlighting. (Thankfully "$text" doesn't trigger, but "set text" still does.) These match regions do appear to correctly span multiple lines. I wonder why that doesn't work for the non-Tk highlights.

For fourthly: There are many miscellaneous problems. \newline doesn't work for comments. $ expansion doesn't recognize :: or variables starting with underscore or numerals, even when ${...} is used. Unlike decimal highlighting, hexadecimal highlighting starts even when the number doesn't begin the word. (And besides, numbers shouldn't be highlighted anyway.)

I don't know how to adequately express the Tcl language using only regexps. I'm not even sure it's possible. So I find myself adjusting my code to avoid for the more gratuitous highlighting bugs, and that's a pretty sad situation.

RLH - Is anyone working on a comprehensive Vim script? Perl has one called perl-support that does a whole lot of nifty things. I was wondering if there was a Tcl one out there somewhere.

Vim Folding That Just Works (for me)

Put this in $HOME/.vim/ftplugins/tcl.vim and enjoy! Hopefully this works for you. This only seems to work for me on Vim 6.3.46.

 function! MyFoldLevel(lnum)

     let l:line = getline(a:lnum)
     let l:nextline = getline(a:lnum+1)
     let l:previous = foldlevel(a:lnum-1)

     if (l:line =~ "^::proc" || l:line =~ "^proc") && l:previous != 1
         return ">1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^proc" || l:line =~ "^::proc"
         return "=" 
     elseif l:line =~ "^################" && l:previous != 1
         return ">1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^�" && l:previous != 1
         return ">1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^#%PS%" && l:previous != 1
         return ">1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^#{{{" && l:previous != 1
         return ">1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^}$" && (l:previous == 1 && match(nextline, "#}}}") == -1)
         return "<1"
     elseif l:line =~ "#}}}"
         return "<1"
     elseif l:line =~ "^$" && (l:previous == 0 || l:previous == "<1")
         return "<1" 

     return "="


 function MyFoldText()
     let line = getline(v:foldstart)

     let n = v:foldstart
     while match(line, "proc.*\{$") == -1
         let line = getline(n)
         let n = n + 1 

     let sub = substitute(line, 'rpc::rproc', '', 'g')
     let sub = substitute(sub, 'proc', '', 'g')
     let sub = substitute(sub, '::proc', '', 'g')
     let sub = substitute(sub, '^::', '', 'g')
     let sub = substitute(sub, '{$', '', 'g')
     let sub = substitute(sub, '{.*}', '', 'g')

     return v:folddashes . " (" . (v:foldend - v:foldstart) . ")" . sub

 set foldtext=MyFoldText()
 set foldexpr=MyFoldLevel(v:lnum)
 set foldmethod=expr

male (2006-01-12): fantastic, your tcl folding mechanism works quiet well in Vim 6.4! Except of one line size foldings, that fold the level higher instead of itself. But I'm not firm enough with Vim script, so I'm not sure about how to change. Thanks for this helper!

2006-03-31, SB: How do I make vim run the current script on the command line and capture the output into a new buffer? I would like to bind this behaviour to a keystroke in order to avoid having to switch to a command line to run the script.

'Updated Vim Scripts for Tcl

2007-02-01 SMSM: Here are a set of vimscripts that provide better indentation, updated (current with 8.5) syntax coloring, and a way to extend the tcl syntax to include additional packages and even other languages. The basic syntax file also provide you with the option to use :se foldmethod=syntax, to take care of folding expressions. It only folds proc's and namespaces, and only at the outer level of braces.

  • tcl-indent [L5 ]
  • tcl-syntax [L6 ]
  • extended syntax files:
  • tcl-itcl-syntax [L7 ]
  • tcl-snit-syntax [L8 ]
  • tcl-sqlite-syntax [L9 ] includes sql highlighting inside [$db eval {...}]
  • tcl-togl-syntax [L10 ]
  • tcl-critcl-syntax [L11 ] includes c highlighting

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