Version 8 of Vim

Updated 2003-04-10 13:24:47

Purpose: to discuss the Vim editor.

First, you can find Vim at

Configuring Vim to conform to the Tcl Style Guide


    set autoindent           " keep the previous line's indentation
    set shiftwidth=4

do not inadvertantly break a line

    set textwidth=0


    set comments=:#

prevent the comment character from forcibly being inserted in column 1

    set cinkeys-=0#
    set indentkeys-=0#

 What: Vim
 Description: Vi clone which provides language syntax colorization (including
        Tcl), command line edit and recall, filename completion,
        split windows, mouse control, drag and drop, and other features.
        The vimconsole is a Tclsh shell that interacts with the
         Tcl support one can build into vim.
        Currently at version 6.0 .
 Updated: 09/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] 

Category Application