Version 13 of What 'extension' means

Updated 2008-09-23 11:46:01 by LV

What's the intent of this page - to provide more info than extension provides?

If so - what?

Here's some examples of the word extension in use to help you better understand its meaning:

extension ladder: Used by firemen to rescue people from buildings. Also used by painters to paint high areas.

extension cord: Used to extend the power cord of electrical devices.

Tcl extension: Used by computer programmers to extend the functions of the Tcl computer programming language.

file extension: Many times, an application will expect one to name files using a name of the form body.ext , where ext is a one to three (sometimes more, depending on the operating system and application) character value, frequently used to indicate what is contained within the file.

An example of this kind of application is many C compilers. These applications expect, for example, header files to be named something like aaaa.h and C source code to be contained in files named something like aaaaaa.c .

The Tcl interpreter doesn't have specfic extensions requirements. However, one's operating system may associate specific actions to files ending in .tcl or .tk. Other tools may have expected extensions on shared dynamic libraries (.so, .dll), etc.

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