Version 0 of Windows Speed Cleaning

Updated 2003-03-05 09:10:30

Scott Gamon - In Brian Livingston's February 28, 2003 Infoworld column[L1 ], he describes a way to speed up Windows disk cleaning by changing a registry setting. The script below will make (or undo) that change.

 # SpeedClean.tcl
 # Modifies the Windows registry as detailed in Brian Livingston's
 # February 28, 2003 Infoworld column:
 # Example: tclsh SpeedClean.tcl => Removes registry value
 #          tclsh SpeedClean.tcl restore => Restores registry value

 package require registry

 switch --  [lindex $argv 0] {
     restore {set Value "{B50F5260-0C21-11D2-AB56-00A0C9082678}"}
     default {set Value ""}

 registry set \
         {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress old files} \
         {} \

 puts "Done."